A treatment room is currently being tested near Toulouse in a Coronavirus Covid-19 consultation centre

A Treatment Cabin Tested to Better Protect Caregivers, Highly Exposed to the Coronavirus

This booth, which allows doctors to examine patients behind a wall, is tested in a Coronavirus Covid-19 consultation centre in Fronton, near Toulouse. For the nostalgic, it looks a bit like a phone booth. This facility, which is not used for making calls, has been tested for a few days in the Covid-19 consultation centre in Fronton (Haute-Garonne), a […]

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There is 17,920 deaths from Coronavirus Covid-19 in France

Coronavirus Covid-19: 17,920 Deaths Since March 1st in France, update this Thursday

Health officials in France have announced the deaths of an additional 753 people in the last 24 hours of Coronavirus Covid-19. What is the coronavirus epidemic in France on Thursday 16th April 16, 2020? In a new update, Professor Jérôme Salomon announced a total of 753 new deaths related to Covid-19 since the last health check on Wednesday. Since the start […]

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Caregivers at the Georges Pompidou hospital, April 15, 2020 in Paris

Covid-19: The Number of Hospitalised Patients Drops for the First Time in France

The slight improvement in hospitals seems to be confirmed this Thursday 16th April 2020. But scientists remain cautious about the evolution of the epidemic on French soil, however. The decline in the number of hospitalizations due to coronavirus in France for the first time since the beginning of the containment entered Thursday in its 31st day, raises hopes, within one month of the easing of […]

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There are 17,167 deaths in France from the Coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic

Coronavirus Covid-19: 17,167 Deaths in France, more than 31,000 People Hospitalised… the Results of this Wednesday

More than 1,400 additional people died from Coronavirus Covid-19 according to the latest report from health authorities, Wednesday 15th April 2020. In a new update, the Director-General of Health Jérôme Salomon drew up the health report for Wednesday 15th April, compared to the report from the previous day. Since the start of the coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic, France […]

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The head of the SNCF, Jean-Pierre Farandou, pleaded to make the wearing of the mask compulsory in public transport, including trains, from May 11, 2020.

Confinement: The SNCF Wants to Make the Mask Mandatory on Trains

Many companies are wondering about the modalities of deconfinement, whose date was set for May 11th, 2020 by Emmanuel Macron, during his speech Monday. Travel again, but covered. While a deconfinement will be gradually implemented from May 11th, 2020, according to announcements by Emmanuel Macron on Monday, many companies are wondering about the terms of the return […]

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According to the Scientific Council, 18 million people at risk will have to remain in confinement after May 11

Coronavirus Covid-19: 18 Million People will be Confined after May 11th, says Scientific Council

People at risk from Coronavirus Covid-19 will not be able to benefit from deconfinement after May 11th, 2020, said the president of the Scientific Council. Since Monday 13th April 2020, everyone knows that the confinement is extended until May 11th. But then what should we expect? If the question does not find an immediate clear answer, the president […]

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Confinement in France is extended. The population is invited to stay at home to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

Confinement in France: Emmanuel Macron Extends until May 11th

Four more weeks. To curb the coronavirus epidemic, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, extended the confinement in France until May 11th. Emmanuel Macron addressed the French again this Monday 13th April 2020. The President of the Republic announced the extension of confinement in France until May 11th to curb the epidemic of coronavirus which has already killed nearly 15,000 people in France according […]

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Confinement in France could be extended by several weeks

The Confinement could be Extended beyond May 10th, according to the Entourage of Emmanuel Macron

The head of state is due to speak on Monday 13th April 2020, shortly after 8 pm. Among the announcements expected is that of the extension of the confinement by several weeks. The French await Monday announcements of Emmanuel Macron, who should extend the confinement in France by several weeks and mean that the fight against the Coronavirus Covid-19 is far […]

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The death toll continues to climb while containment measures are likely to continue.

Coronavirus Covid-19: 14,393 Deaths including 9,523 in Hospital… The Results this Sunday

According to the latest figures published Sunday 12th April 2020, the Coronavirus Covid-19 has made 14,393 in France since March 1st. There are also fewer people in intensive care. The days pass and the balance sheet increases. As of April 12, 2020, France has recorded 14,393 deaths since March 1, linked to Coronavirus Covid-19. In detail, 5,140 people died […]

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France is said to have reached the Coronavirus Covid-19 "epidemic plateau".

Coronavirus in France: 13,832 Deaths, 6,883 People in Intensive Care,… The Results Saturday

The official assessment carried out by the Directorate General of Health, this Saturday 11th April 2020 reports 13,832 deaths linked to Coronavirus Covid-19: 8,943 in hospitals and 4,889 in nursing homes While France is plunged into its fourth week of confinement, the official death toll from Coronavirus Covid-19 continues to increase. On this Saturday 11th April 2020, we deplore 13,832 […]

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