The company esyjet cancels flights to Italy because of the increase in cases of coronavirus

Coronavirus: Easyjet Cancels Part of its Flights to and from Italy

Friday 28th February 2020, the airline Easyjet decided to cancel certain flights to and from Italy from the 13th to 31st March. The cause: the rise in Coronavirus cases. Measures are constantly increasing to limit the spread of the coronavirus. After Air France, the Easyjet airline decided to cancel, this Friday 28th February 2020, certain flights to and from Italy, mainly in the […]

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A Hop! company plane! from Lille

Pilot Strike: The Company Hop! hopes to Cover almost all of its Regional flights by Monday

STRIKE ACTION: Air France offers travellers who wish to postpone their flight with Hop! free of charge exchanges The pilots of Hop! are on strike this Monday. The movement should cause little disruption on Monday among the flights of this regional subsidiary of Air France, however, announced the management of the company. “Air France plans to cover all of its […]

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Ari France employees are called to strike on Friday February 21 and Saturday February 22,

Call to Strike at Air France for Friday and Saturday

Five Air France airline unions are calling for a protest against the increased use of subcontracting. Employees assigned to short-haul flights at Air France, at regional stopovers and at Paris-Orly, are mobilized in the context of a strike call on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd February 2020. A call by five unions (CGT, CFDT, CFE-CGC, FO and UNSA) […]

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The 2020 vintage of Alfa Romeo marks the transfiguration of the Giulia.

Car Test: Alfa Romeo Giulia 2020, More Refined Pleasure!

Alfa Romeo is upgrading the Giulia to install it in the premium category on a long-term basis, without its price resembling a star’s whim. From € 36,700. Appearing in 2016, the last Giulia had left its mark on a return to propulsion to offer it a deliberately sporty character specific to the Alfa Romeo tradition. Innovative suspension and steering and 50/50 weight distribution […]

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32 departments on orange alert with storm ciara

Storm Ciara: 32 Departments still on Orange Alert on Monday, Considerable Damage

Gusts of over 130 km/h swept France on the night of Sunday 9th February 2020. Several cities were flooded and homes deprived of electricity. Cancelled flights, interrupted ferries between France and England, stationary rail traffic in western Germany: the Storm Ciara blows over northwest Europe on Monday, causing damage, flooding and outages of current. Wind gusts over 130 km/h In France, […]

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President Emmanuel Macron in Brussels, December 13, 2019.

On the 14th Day of Strike, Emmanuel Macron Ready to “Improve” the Pension Reform

His Prime Minister Edouard Philippe received the social partners on Wednesday to try to find a way out of the pension reform crisis. The day after the third day of demonstrations against the pension reform and three days before the Christmas holidays, Edouard Philippe received on Wednesday 18th December 2019 the social partners with the new “M. Retraites”, to find a way out […]

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Truckers are demanding better wages

Transport: Blockages, Dams, Snail Operations … Truckers are Demanding Better Wages

MOBILISATION: With the truckers mobilising for better wages, it will add more bad news for motorists At the call of four unions in their branch, the truckers are called to strike on Monday to demand better working conditions and wages. Blockages, filtering dams, snail operations … The situation is further complicated on the roads in the midst of social conflict over […]

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Due to a strike call linked to the pension reform, train traffic will still be "very disrupted" Monday, December 16, 2019. Forecast in Normandy.

SNCF Strike: Train Traffic Still “Very Disrupted” in Normandy, Monday 16th December

Due to a strike call linked to the pension reform, train traffic will still be “very disrupted” Monday 16th December 2019. Forecast for Normandy. The strike in transport continues to protest against the pension reform wanted for the government of Edouard Philippe. At SNCF, the movement has been particularly followed since December 5th, 2019. It will be followed again, Monday, December […]

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SNCF is planning a traffic disrupted again in Brittany this Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Strike of December 10th: The SNCF Traffic Still Very Disrupted in Brittany

With the new mobilisation expected against the pension reform, TGVs and TER will remain very disrupted this Tuesday 10th December in Brittany, announced the SNCF. New week, but the same disturbances expected on SNCF traffic in Brittany. Tuesday, December 10, day of new mobilisation against the pension reform, the SNCF provides for very limited traffic, as was the case for this Monday, last […]

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The SNCF has decided to block the sale of tickets on the day of the strike of December 5, and even the days after.

Strike December 5th: The SNCF Blocks the Sale of Tickets

The SNCF anticipates the strike of December 5th, announced as being unlimited by unions. It is no longer possible to book a train for this date and the following days. “Complete”, “complete”, “complete”. This is what is posted on the site of the SNCF for the reservation of the TGV and some Intercités trains on December 5th, day […]

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