Near Rouen a man was burnt to his hands and face in a workshop fire

Fire near Rouen: A Burning Workshop, a Man Burned to the Hands and Face

A man was burned to the hands and face in the fire of a workshop adjoining a pavilion on Saturday 12th January, 2019, in Franqueville-Saint-Pierre, near Rouen. A fire broke out in Franqueville-Saint-Pierre, in the metropolis of Rouen (Seine-Maritime) , on Saturday 12th January, 2019. A man was seriously injured in the incident. Burned to the hands and face According to the […]

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A man was seriously injured in an apartment fire in Dieppe (Seine-Maritime), Saturday, January 12, 2019.

Fire in an Apartment in Dieppe: A Man Seriously Intoxicated by Fumes

A fire broke out on Saturday 12th January, 2019, in an apartment in Dieppe (Seine-Maritime). Four people were intoxicated by the fumes, one more seriously. Thirty firefighters were mobilized on Saturday 12th January, 2019, to circumscribe a fire in an apartment in Dieppe (Seine-Maritime) . Four people were intoxicated by the fumes, one more seriously. According to the Departmental Operational Center for Fire and Rescue, […]

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Tensions rose in the Seine-Maritime by yellow vests protesters

Act 9 of the Yellow Vests in Seine-Maritime: Second Part of the Day Under Tension

After a relatively quiet morning, the atmosphere became tense in the afternoon during act 9 of the mobilisation of yellow vests in Seine-Maritime, Saturday 12th January, 2019. The act IX mobilisation Yellow Jackets began rather quietly in Seine-Maritime Saturday 12th January, 2019. The atmosphere was increasingly tense in the second half of the day. Small groups of demonstrators played hide-and-seek with […]

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Leaders and Business demand the end of violence in Rouen by Yellow Vests

Act 9 Yellow Vests: The Elected and Business Leaders of Rouen Demand the End of the violence

Parliamentarians and business leaders of Rouen ask that “the period of the sales is not disturbed by new attacks of violence”, Friday 11th January, 2019. With every mobilisation of yellow vests , many would like the violence not to be systematic. Foremost among them, parliamentarians and actors of the economic world of Rouen (Seine-Maritime) , who published an open letter Friday 11th January, 2019, the eve […]

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More Yellow Vests protesters in Rouen this weekend

Act VIII Yellow Vests: In Rouen, the Movement is Reviving, Violence is Taking Hold

Many clashes have marked the demonstration of Yellow Vests, Saturday 5th January, 2018 in Rouen (Seine-Maritime). The mobilisation was greater than that of December 29th. A huge fire arises from the Place du Vieux-Marché , emblematic place of Rouen (Seine-Maritime) . The scene is impressive and takes place around 2:45 pm under the eyes of traders, residents and tourists incredulous. Some take pictures. Many yellow […]

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A disused supermarket near Rouen ravaged by a fire

A Disused Supermarket Ravaged by a Violent Fire near Rouen

On the night of Thursday 3rd to Friday 4th January, 2019, a major fire ravaged the former supermarket Intermarché, Petit-Quevilly (Seine-Maritime). There was no injury. The fire broke out at the end of the evening, Thursday 3rd January, 2019 in Petit-Quevilly near Rouen (Seine-Maritime) . It lasted part of the night, requiring the intervention of many firefighters on the […]

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A drop in temperatures across France this Friday

Weather: A Cold Snap and Possible Snowfall in France on Friday

Several regions of France should be concerned by a sharp drop in temperatures and snowfall this Friday 4th January, 2019. The year 2018 ended with very mild temperatures in France . The next one started on the same basis, but it should all be over soon. A drop in temperatures is expected from this Friday, January 4, 2019 […]

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The lifeless body of a young man was found in the trading basin in Le Havre

The Body of a Young Man Found in a Basin of Le Havre after New Year’s Eve

In the wake of the New Year’s Eve, this Tuesday 1st January, 2019, the body of a young man was found in a basin in downtown Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). Dramatic discovery Tuesday 1st January 2019 in one of the pools from Le Havre city centre (Seine-Maritime) that of the lifeless body of a young man. Identity papers found It was […]

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Road accident in Seine-Maritime left 10 injured

Ten Wounded including Three Children, in a Road Accident in Seine-Maritime

On the evening of Monday 31st December, 2018, an accident involving two cars and ten people occurred in the town of Doudeville, in the country of Caux (Seine-Maritime). Ten people were involved in a road accident Monday 31st December, 2018, in the town of Doudeville (Seine-Maritime). One of the victims was seriously injured. Three people released from jail It was a […]

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Disguised, bathers get an invigorating sea bath on Tuesday, January 1, 2019 at 11 am in Pourville and Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer and at 12 pm in Dieppe.

The Appointments not to be Missed on January 1st and 5th, 2019 in Dieppe and in the Region

There is enough to be surprised in the coming days in Dieppe and in the region with the traditional bath of January 1st and a beautiful play in Belleville. Sea bathing in Dieppe, Pourville and Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer It is a tradition that always attracted more spectators than participants: the traditional swim of 1st January is expected to Dieppe, […]

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