Demonstations throughout France against the use of the 49-3 to assist the passage of the labour Law

Labour law: Some Incidents and Demonstrations in Several Cities of France

VIOLENCE Angry, thousands of people demonstrated Tuesday night in France against the use of 49-3 … The use of 49-3 is an “insult to the people.”  The movement  #NuitDebout, angry after the forced passage of the bill by the Socialist government, has mobilized its troops on Tuesday evening.  Several thousand people gathered in France and […]

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Manuel Valls explains that he did not want to use 49.3 for the passage of the labour Law

Use 49.3: “It hurts my heart to have to use it” assures Manuel Valls

LABOUR LAW The Prime Minister nevertheless reaffirmed its commitment to reform on the set of JT TF1 … “It hurts my heart to have to use” the 49.3, said Manuel Valls Tuesday night on the set of TF1. The prime minister, facing Gilles Bouleau, tried to justify the use of this article of the Constitution […]

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The FO Union has called for a Referendum on the Labour law

Labour Law: The FO union Demand a Referendum

In an interview with Le Parisien, the secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO), Jean-Claude Mailly, intends to submit to referendum the draft labour law. “Yes we always demand the withdrawal. ” With these words the daily Le Parisien , Jean-Claude Mailly indicated the unions opposition is always lively at the proposed Labour Law, while he believes […]

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Gathering of members of "#NuitDebout" May 3, 2016 before the National Assembly in Paris

Labour law: #NuitDebout Protesters briefly Blocking Traffic to the Assembly

Sixty demonstrators #NuitDebout movement blocked traffic for a few minutes before the National Assembly to show the deputies their opposition to labour law …   “Si t’es contre la loi Travail, tape dans tes mains !”, crie le groupe mis à l’écart. #NuitDebout — Raphaël Georgy (@RaphaelGeorgy) May 3, 2016   “Labour Law,  we want […]

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Students protest outside MP office in Nantes against Labour law

Nantes: Students challenge the MP over Labour Law

Nine students of the UNEF, Communist youth unfurled a banner in front of the offices of the PS deputy Marie-Françoise Clergeau, 7.30am Tuesday morning. A small group of students were meeting early on Tuesday morning, in front of the offices of the deputy PS of Loire-Atlantique, Marie-Françoise Clergeau, to lead a symbolic action requesting the withdrawal of […]

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The council meeting in Rennes was cancelled after students disrupted meeting

Rennes: Students Refuse to Leave the Mairie, the Council Meeting Canceled

Council meeting in Rennes has been cancelled.  A dozen students occupied the room, mayor has called for the the evacuation of the city hall … The council meeting of Rennes has been cancelled by the Mayor of Rennes.  A Students protest, positioned in the middle of the room, refused to leave the room as the mayor, […]

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Night Rally motion standing on the Republic Square in Paris, April 22, 2016 - Elliott VERDIER AFPrefure of Police have imposed limits on the #NuitDebout protests in paris

#NuitDebout: The Prefecture of Police of Paris makes an Order ‘Limiting the Duration of the Activities’

The police headquarters in Paris issued a decree to limit the gathering from 10pm on Monday until 7am tomorrow morning … The Prefecture of Police (PP) raises its voice. In the aftermath of the clashes on the 1st May and the usual gathering of the citizen movement #NuitDebout in place de la Republique – interrupted after numerous incidents […]

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According to the unions, 5,000 people joined the traditional parade May day parade in Nantes

Demonstration of 1st May in Nantes: 5000 Demonstrators according to unions

According to the unions, 5,000 people left the Machines of the  l’lle de Nantes, the starting point of the traditional parade and finished at the Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne. Multiple speeches and words from the unions gave the starting signal of the May Day parade in Nantes, in the presence of at least 3000 people, although […]

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