16 million litres of fuel have been delivered to the Seine-Maritime department

Seine-Maritime: 16 Million Litres of Fuel Delivered

During the day of Wednesday, 25th May, 16 million litres of fuel were delivered to service stations, from oil depots in Seine-Maritime. According to the Seine-Maritime prefecture, 16 million litres of fuel were delivered in the day of 25th May from the oil depots of the department, mainly Rubis Grand-Quevilly, to the different service stations of […]

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The "Pont de Normandie" has been blocked by the unions against the Labour Law

The “Pont de Normandie” blocked from 7.15am

The access to the “Pont de Normandie” is blocked this Wednesday, 25th May by the unions CGT, Solidaires, FSU, UNEF. From 7.15am this wednesday, the 25th May, the Normandy bridge is blocked, on the Seine-Maritime side by the unions CGT, Solidaires, FSU, UNEF.  This is another protest against the Labour law, passed by using the 49.3 rule, […]

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350 tanker trucks made fuel deliveries in theIlle-et-Vilaine region

Fuel: 350 Tanker Trucks Operate on Tuesday in Ille-et-Vilaine

The state deploys to great lengths to reduce queues at petrol pumps. 350 trucks drive on Tuesday afternoon to resupply petrol stations. The release last Friday of fuel depot of Vern-sur-Seiche, in Ille-et-Vilaine, allowed the State to organize last weekend deliveries of fuel. The effort continues. “This Tuesday, March 24 no fewer than 350 trucks […]

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Rail traffic in and around Rennes will be disrupted due to new strike action

Rennes: Rail Traffic “Disturbed” Wednesday and Thursday

Railway workers in Rennes, protest against an agreement in negotiations on working conditions but also against the Labour Act … Complicated day ahead Wednesday and Thursday, especially for motorists who intend to use public transport to avoid using their cars in this period of fuel shortage. The SNCF plans Wednesday and Thursday a “disturbed” traffic […]

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Unblocking the Donges refinery by force will make no difference to fuel shortages

Donges: Unlock by Force “Would not Change Anything,” said the CGT

According to the CGT, at the Donges refinery, the strike of staff is sufficient to significantly reduce the supply of tankers. Christophe Hiou, CGT delegate of the Donges refinery, has re-mobilized his troops yesterday after a peaceful blockade over the weekend.  According to the union, while the storage site at Vern-sur-Seiche (Ille-et -Vilaine) has undergone […]

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The oil terminal at le Harve, that handles 40 percent of oil imports has voted to go on strike against Labour law

Labour Law: Strike Voted in Le Havre Oil Terminal which handles 40% of French Imports

Le Harve oil terminal has voted to go on strike against Labour law … The strike is spreading to oil sites. The staff of Compagnie industrielle et maritime (CIM), the oil terminal of the port of Le Havre , which handles 40% of French imports, voted on Monday night to strike, we have learned from […]

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Manuel Valls denounced the "blackmail" of part of the CGT about the fuel shortage

Fuel Shortage: Valls Denounced Extortion on Part of the CGT

Manuel Valls denounced the “blackmail” on part of the CGT, that blocks fuel sites to protest against the labour law … “I call on the French to yield to no panic”, the prime minister told reporters, urging motorists not to rush into petrol stations in anticipation of possible shortages, and stating that “consumption this past weekend (had) […]

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Lila school transport could be disrupted due to the fuel crisis

Lila School Transport: Disruptions Possible

Tuesday, school transport routes could be disrupted because of the fuel shortage. As a precaution, it is better to check … The Department stated on Monday night: “Lila regular line services should be assured for all on Tuesday, 24th May” But the fuel supply difficulties could lead to disruptions in transport including the Lila buses for school transport.  As […]

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Five refineries out of eight have stopped or in the process of stopping against the Labour Law

Five Refineries in Eight Stopped or Being Stopped, said the CGT

STRIKE: These five refineries are on strike, stopped or being stopped, said Emmanuel Lepine, responsible for the oil branch of the CGT … The movement against the El Khomri Labour Law, hardens a little more. The members of CGT in the oil refineries have today been called on  “that refineries stop their petroleum facilities” through Emmanuel Lepine, […]

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