The police intervened on Saturday evening in Puyricard, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, for an evening bringing together nearly 100 people in a bar

Bouches-du-Rhône: The Police Stop an Evening in a Bar in Puyricard with 100 People

CURFEW: The police intervened on Saturday evening in Puyricard, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, for an evening bringing together nearly 100 people in a bar Another evening interrupted by the police. The police intervened on Saturday evening in the village of Puyricard, near Aix-en-Provence, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, for a clandestine evening. As La Provence relates, a hundred people gathered in the room of a village bar. A participant […]

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Nearly 16,000 new coronavirus contaminations in 24 hours

Coronavirus: Nearly 16,000 New Contaminations in 24 Hours

EPIDEMIC: There were 729 new hospitalisations for coronavirus cases this Sunday Nearly 16,000 new cases of coronavirus Covid-19 have been recorded in the last 24 hours, according to data released this Sunday by Public Health France, a figure still far from the government’s target of going down to 5,000 cases per day. The number of new confirmed cases […]

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With Coronavirus in Schools, an English mutation and epidemic rebound ... A crucial week for the government

Coronavirus: Schools, English Mutation and Epidemic Rebounding … A Crucial Week for the Government

EPIDEMIC: While the English mutation is present in France and the private New Year’s gatherings could lead in the coming days to an increase in contaminations and hospitalisations, the coming week promises to be crucial for the government While the number of new coronavirus contaminations does not drop, an epidemic rebound is to be feared after […]

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Coronavirus in Bouches-du-Rhône: 21 cases of the British mutation detected in an “extended” family cluster

Coronavirus in Bouches-du-Rhône: 21 Cases of the British Mutation Detected in an “Extended” Family cluster

EPIDEMIC: The prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône has decided to start the curfew earlier from 6pm due to the new detection of the British Mutation of Coronavirus Despite the opposition of local elected officials, the prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône confirmed this Saturday that the curfew in the department would be brought forward to 6 p.m. from Sunday, after the discovery […]

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Coronavirus Curfew starts earlier at 6pm in 15 departments in France

Coronavirus: The Curfew Starts Earlier at 6 pm in 15 Departments this Saturday

RESTRICTIONS: Around 6 million French people will no longer be able to leave their homes after 6 pm due to new curfew rules Curfew from 6 pm for part of the country: the first weekend of the year begins under gloomy auspices for around 6 million French people. To cope with worrying epidemiological figures in the east […]

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The rave of 2,500 people continued this Friday evening in Rennes

Coronavirus in Ille-et-Vilaine: The Rave of 2,500 People Continued this Friday Evening in Rennes

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin convened a meeting on Friday evening in Beauvau to put an end to this wild party in Rennes Incredible but true. This Friday evening the rave continued south of Rennes. Some 2,500 people, from all over France and even from abroad, met to celebrate the New Year during a wild party that the authorities […]

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New Year's Eve with national police checks on compliance with the curfew.

New Year: More than 600 Arrests and 6,600 Verbalisations

POLICE: Over New Year, 407 people have been taken into custody, according to the Minister of the Interior On New Year’s Eve, marked by a few incidents and clandestine parties, the police arrested 662 people and issued 6,650 verbalizations for non-compliance with the curfew, said Friday the Minister of the Interior, Gerald. Darmanin. “Even if the incidents were […]

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Police break up New Years Eve Party in Marseille

Coronavirus in Marseille: An Illegal Party Bringing Together 300 People Interrupted by the Police

NEW YEARS EVE: More than 150 of these revellers in Marseille were fined by the police for violating the curfew An illegal party bringing together 300 people was interrupted and dispersed by the police on New Year’s Eve in Marseille and more than 150 of these revellers were fined for violating the curfew, we learned on Friday from police […]

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Jean Castex and Gérald Darmanin on December 10, 2020 during the press conference on the deconfinement strategy.

Deconfinement: Exemptions, Certificates, New Year’s Eve … What You Need to Know About the Curfew From December 15th

The government unveiled this Thursday the plans for deconfinement, new travel conditions and a curfew from the 15th December A new stage of deconfinement reviewed and corrected. From Tuesday, France will indeed enter a second phase of the process announced on October 24th by Emmanuel Macron, but with a tightened curfew. While the number of coronavirus […]

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The mayor of Nice wants tighter controls against coronavirus

Coronavirus in Nice: Benches and Blue Chairs Dismantled … Estrosi Tightens the Screw to “Save Christmas”

HEALTH CRISIS: The mayor, Christian Estrosi, also asks the prefect to institute a new curfew in Nice to contain the coronavirus To avoid regroupings, the mayor of Nice announced that the foundations of the promenade des Anglais and some benches would be dismantled on Thursday. Christian Estrosi also calls for the establishment of a new curfew. […]

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