Two helpline numbers have been set up over the Lactalis contaminated baby milk

Lactalis: Two Hotlines to Answer Questions

To respond to the many calls, call centres have been opened by Lactalis and the General Directorate for Health (DGS). They are led by health specialists. Salmonella: how the helpline numbers? To cope with the crisis of Salmonella that affects Lactalis products,  two hotlines have been installed, the Directorate General of Health (0800 636 636) and that of […]

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Lactalis removes a further 720 baby milk products over Salmonella contamination

Salmonella in Baby Milk: Lactalis Removes 720 Additional Batches

HEALTH: The Lactalis group announced Thursday morning the withdrawal of 720 batches of baby milk and other products to the risk of salmonella contamination … The Lactalis group announced Thursday morning the withdrawal of 720 batches of baby milk and other products with the risk of salmonella contamination. Picot products Milumel and Taranis, potentially contaminated, in addition […]

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UFC Que Choisir to file compliant against Lactlalis

Salmonella: The UFC-Que Choisir will file a complaint against Lactalis

The consumer association UFC-Que Choisir announced Monday its intention to file a complaint against the Lactalis Group. 625 batches of baby milk produced by the food group are affected by a withdrawal from the market due to contamination with salmonella. After a father filed a complaint, it is the association of consumers UFC-Que Choisir announcement Monday […]

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Contaminated baby milk has placed Lactalis into the heart of the storm

Contaminated Baby Milk: Lactalis in the Heart of the Storm

Since the recall of 7000 tonnes of baby milk powder produced in Craon, the Lactalis group is facing a major crisis. And must respond to the concerns of parents whose children have been contaminated with the bacteria. Why ? How? How many tons of milk were contaminated with salmonella? On Sunday 10th December, 2017, the State did withdraw […]

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Government has announced Sunday in a statement the extension of measures for withdrawal and recall of infant nutrition products manufactured by the dairy group Lactalis in Craon (Mayenne).

Contaminated Baby Milk: Hundreds of Lactalis Products off the Shelves

The Government announced on Sunday in a statement an extension of withdrawal and recall measures of infant nutrition products manufactured by the dairy group Lactalis in Craon (Mayenne). Five new cases of salmonella were reported in infants this week. The withdrawal measures and recall of infant nutrition products manufactured by the dairy group Lactalis in Craon, […]

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Baby Milk Recall, Lactalis conducts analysis

Baby Milk Recall: Lactalis Conducts Analysis

Twelve baby milk batches from the Lactalis plant Craon (Mayenne) have been the subject of a recall on Saturday because of a probable contamination with salmonella. Lactalis told laboratories inventory of these lots remain at the factory: the first results will be known on December 9 at the earliest. Due to  possible contamination  with salmonella, nine batches of […]

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Two electric charging points in Renazé

Renazé: Two Electric Charging Points Installed on the D 771

ENVIRONMENT: Jean-Yves Bourgine, restaurant manager of Tahiti, in Renazé (Mayenne) offers a possibility of charging for hybrid or electric vehicles Jean-Yves Bourgine, the restaurant manager of Tahiti, situated in Renazé (Mayenne) offers a possibility of charging for hybrid or electric vehicles. The two electrical terminals were installed by Cegelec company that offered the restaurateur service. Customers also […]

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The Super Shiva group will perform at the mediatheque on Saturday in Craon

Craon: The Super Shiva Group at Mediatheque on Saturday

The Tranzistour tour visits the media libraries of Mayenne who have the privilege of receiving the current local scene, in formats alternating musical delivery and discussion time. As part of this tour, the Mediatheque (multimedia library) of the Pays de Craon will host the group Super Shiva this Saturday. At the crossroads of vintage rock and […]

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Children love stories told by the organizers of the new Ribambus which is responsible Navy Oger.

Renazé: A New Manager at Ribambus

CHILDCARE: The traveling crèche “Ribambus” welcomed a new manager. The traveling crèche “Ribambus” welcomed a new manager. Navy replaces Nathalie Oger Bansard in this service attended by 10 to 12 children that can accommodate up to 15. Every month, the public reading network Craon offers animation “Tell carpet” by Sidonie for one hour.Parents interested Ribambus childcare service […]

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The Foire de Craon opens for the 63rd event this weekend

La Foire de Craon Opens this Friday for its 63rd Event

EVENT: Nearly 20,000 visitors are expected to attend this years Foire de Craon, which takes place through the streets of the town over the weekend … “We do not change a formula that wins”, says the President Jean-Louis Després and the organizing team of the Foire de Craon which will open on Friday 29th September […]

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