36 departments in France on Orange Alert for thunderstorms

Thunderstorms: 36 Departments of the West, North, Ile-de-France and East on Orange Alert

Several departments of the northern half of France are in orange alert for violent thunderstorms this Monday, according to Meteo France. Thirty-six departments of the West, North, Ile-de-France and East are placed Monday in orange vigil for violent storms with a risk of hail, according to Meteo France . The alert is valid from 10am Monday to 6am on Tuesday morning, for the […]

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Weekend weather forecast for Normandy

Weekend Weather in Normandy: Weekend Under the Sun and Monday in the Rain

Two days of good weather Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th May and a rainy day, Monday 20th May.Here are the forecasts, weather side, of this weekend in Normandy. Two days out of three! Sun on the menu Saturday 18 and Sunday, May 19 in Normandy , but after … The rain will make its comeback, for the Monday […]

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Record temperatures have been recorded in Normandy for April

Hot in Normandy: Several Cities Beat Heat Records

Heat records for a month of April were reached on April 19th, 2018, in Normandy. A high temperature that will last, before a sharp decline on Tuesday 24th April. The sun hit hard and the mercury climbed high Thursday, April 19, 2018. Meteo France has even recorded  monthly temperature records everywhere in Normandy , such as Rouen (Seine-Maritime), Lisieux ,  Deauville (Calvados) or Valognes (Manche) . That is to say, it […]

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The weather in Normandy forecast for this weekend will be a true mixture

Weather in Normandy: Showers, Thunderstorms and a Hint of Sunshine this Weekend

On the menu in Normandy this weekend of April 14th and 15th, 2018, a true mix of the weather! Showers, sunshine and thunderstorms will orchestrate a weather broom well in season. The weekend of Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th April 2018 , there will be something for everyone! The temperatures will not fall, but the heavens themselves, will offer […]

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House on Fire near Caen

A House on Fire near Caen: “We are Alive”

Firefighters Calvados intervened for a house fire in Verson, near Caen (Calvados), Thursday 1st March. No one was injured, both occupants had to be relocated Shortly before 10 pm, Thursday, March 1, 2018, Calvados firefighters were called for a fire at a house located rue du General Leclerc, the main street of Verson , near Caen (Calvados). “We had a […]

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The snow is back in the Pays d'Auge as here in Lisieux (Calvados), Thursday 1st March 2018.

Snow in the Pays d’Auge: The Main Roads Cleared of Snow, Caution on the Small Roads

As announced by Meteo France, the snow is back Thursday 1st March, 2018 in the Pays d’Auge. Around Lisieux (Calvados), the roads are slippery on secondary roads. As forecast by Meteo France , the snow has returned to Normandy in the night of Wednesday 28th February to Thursday 1st March 2018. In the Pays d’Auge, the ground is covered with a snowpack of 3 […]

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Fatal collision near Deauville in Normandy

Fatal Collision near Deauville: The Crossing Remains Closed for Investigation Purposes

Sunday 21st January, 2018, a train hit a car on a level crossing in Saint-Arnoult close to Deauville (Calvados). Since then, the road that crosses the road is closed Sunday 21st January, 2018, a fatal collision killed one person on the crossing located Saint-Arnoult , near Deauville (Calvados).Since the accident, the road crosses the railway track is closed to allow investigators time to conduct […]

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A collision between a train and a van occurred in Saint-Arnoult (Calvados) near Deauville, Sunday 21st January

A Train Hits a Car near Deauville: One Dead

A collision between a train and a van occurred in Saint-Arnoult (Calvados) near Deauville, Sunday 21st January, 2018. The driver died. The accident took place on Sunday 21st January at 4.03 pm, near Deauville (Calvados). A collision between a train and a  car occurred on the crossing of Saint-Arnoult. After forcing the gate of the crossing, a utility vehicle has been caught by the train. Its […]

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A man was killed crossing the A13 motorway at Calvados

Crossing the A13 Motorway in Calvados, a Pedestrian Dies, Hit by a Car

A 45 year old man was killed, hit by a car, in the area of ​​Giberville (Calvados) on the A13, near Caen. He tried to walk to a parking lot. A terrible accident . A 45 year old pedestrian was killed, hit by a car on the A13 motorway, near Caen (Calvados) on Saturday 20th January shortly before 11pm. He was trying to […]

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Eleanor Storm: Falling Trees, Flooding and Cut Several Electric Lines in Normandy 1

Eleanor Storm: Falling Trees, Flooding and Cut Several Electric Lines in Normandy

Because of the Eleanor storm, this Wednesday 3rd January, the Normandy firefighters were widely sought. Several Normandy roads were closed to traffic. The Eleonor storm  swept the Normandy of its winds, with gusts over 100 km/h Wednesday 3rd January, 2018. As a precaution, the prefect of Seine-Maritime , one of five Norman departments placed in orange alert, has temporarily banned the circulation of […]

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