Nantes: More than a Thousand Young People Protest in the City centre, Incidents

Local News
More than a thousand young people protest in Nantes against the proposed Labour Law

LABOUR LAW: The parade started from the place of Bouffay on Wednesday to 14h …

This is the seventh show in a few weeks. On Wednesday afternoon, hundreds of demonstrators marched through the streets of the City Centre of Nantes to demand the withdrawal of the El Khomri Labour Law.

A thousand protesters led by students marched in Nantes against the Labour Law.
A thousand protesters led by students marched in Nantes against the Labour Law.| Franck Dubray

The procession was once again led by many pupils and students. Some members of the “inter-schools in struggle” collective wear yellow vests with the aim of best to frame the procession, which rallied peacefully.

From the place of Bouffay, the parade followed a usual route, finishing at l’île de Nantes. There has also been several clashes with the police being reported, first the throwing of glass bottles found in the trash on the route, at the prefecture. The police pushed the demonstrators using water jets. The headquarters of the Socialist Party, which had lowered its curtain was the target of graffiti.


Posted along the route 50-Otages, the police blocked access to the street rue du Calvaire, and other roads off the main route into the Bouffay district. Tear gas and water cannons were used by the police at place de la Petite-Hollande, where street furniture had been vandalised.


Students clash with Police at the protest in Nantes


Along the Quai de la Fosse, several windows were broken, of local businesses such as a kebab shop and employment centre.

Several windows broken during protest in Nantes

A Cash machine of BNP Paribas and Bus Stop was also targeted and damaged. The protesters are now gathered for a general meeting.

Over 1000 protestors gathered in Nantes against the Labour Law

Prefecture promised tighter controls

The prefecture, after the violence of previous protests, had promised tighter controls so that an order prohibiting  “the wearing or carrying of objects that can be used as weapons ” was taken for the first time for the protest today, Wednesday.

Disturbances are expected in transport with the many public transport lines halted into the City Centre until late afternoon.

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