May 1st protests across France against the Pension reform

May 1st: Relive this Day of Protest in Pictures

Between 782,000 and 3.2 million people marched in the streets against the pension reform. In Nantes, Rennes, Paris or Toulouse, violence broke out. Many demonstrators wandered the streets on Monday, May 1st with, in the background, the fight against pension reform. The violence still punctuated the processions. The violence has mounted over the demonstrations against the […]

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Pension reform protests using saucepans

Demonstrations: How the Saucepan Became an Object of Contestation

For several weeks, we have shown our dissatisfaction through saucepans. These noisy gatherings are nothing new. Back to their story. “Saucepans and eggs are for cooking”, ironically declared Emmanuel Macron on the move to a college in Hérault, on April 20th, 2023, after being greeted by a pan of disgruntled residents. Since his speech on April 17th, […]

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What to expect from the protests against pension reform

May Day Demonstration: A “Historic” but Truly Decisive Protest Against the Pension Reform?

OPPOSITION: The unions have called for making May 1st “an exceptional and popular day of protest”, while the protest against the pension reform does not weaken The unions have called for making May 1st “a day of exceptional and popular protest” against the pension reform. After the validation of the text by the Constitutional Council in […]

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Banning saucepans, an attack on freedom of expression?

Banning Saucepans, an Attack on Freedom of Expression?

POLICY: A new decree based on anti-terrorism laws prohibits the use of “sound amplifying devices” during the visit of the President of the Republic to Loir-et-Cher on Tuesday 25 April. He was suspended by the judge After that of the Hérault, an order prohibits this time “sound amplifiers sound devices”. It was published by the prefect of Loir-et-Cher […]

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Extinction Rebellion suspends protest movement

Extinction Rebellion Suspends Protest Operations

MILITANCY: The environmental organization is now focusing on a large protest against government inaction in April The environmental organization Extinction Rebellion announced on Sunday that it was suspending the spectacular blocking operations in the United Kingdom that made it known, preferring to mobilize for a large demonstration against the government’s inaction in April. This network of […]

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Protester Patrick Thelwell is arrested after throwing an egg near King Charles III

UK Student Who Threw Eggs at King Banned from Carrying Eggs in Public

EGGS: He can still buy eggs when he goes shopping From carrying a weapon to carrying an egg… The student arrested on Wednesday in the United Kingdom for throwing eggs at King Charles III has been released but the police have forbidden him to carry them in public in the future, reported this Thursday the British press. Patrick Thelwell, 23, […]

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0,000 participants in a demonstration against anti-Covid-19 measures in Austria

Coronavirus in Austria: 10,000 Participants in a Demonstration Against Anti-Covid-19 Measures

EPIDEMIC: Former Home Secretary Herbert Kickl, member of the FPÖ party, called earlier in the week to take to the streets against the curfew and the third confinement in force About 10,000 people braved Sunday in Vienna ( Austria ) a ban on demonstrating against the curfew and confinement decided by the government to try to contain the coronavirus. […]

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Donald Trump called on his supporters to "go home" after several hundred of them invaded the seat of Congress.

United States: Violence on Capitol Hill, Trump Calls on Supporters to “Go Home”, Biden Denounces “Insurgency”

PROTESTS: Hundreds of demonstrators favourable to President Donald Trump invaded the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday in an insurrectionary climate, interrupting the session of Congress which was to confirm the victory of Joe Biden In a serious speech on Wednesday, the next Democratic President Joe Biden denounced an “unprecedented” attack on American democracy. He called on Donald Trump to […]

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Une manifestation contre le projet de loi sécurité globale mardi 17 novembre 2020 à Toulouse

Lille: The Human Rights League Calls for a Demonstration on Saturday Against the Comprehensive Security Bill

HUMAN RIGHTS PROTEST: A rally is scheduled for Saturday 21st November at 11am on the Place de la République in Lille “A liberticidal bill”. This is how the League of Human Rights (LDH) refers to the comprehensive security bill currently under discussion in the National Assembly. To protest against this proposed law, a demonstration is organized by the association this […]

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Anti-mask and confinement protest in London

Violence Breaks Out at Anti-Mask March in London on First Night of Second Lockdown

Almost 200 anti-lockdown protesters have been arrested as they marched through London on the first evening of tougher measures. Very few people wore face coverings as they joined the ‘Million Mask March’ – an annual event on November 5 which is anti-establishment and against Government corruption – in Trafalgar Square, London. People began to walk […]

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