Rallies against the labor law started. Jean Perrin Lycée in Rezé and Joliverie in Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire are blocked.
Traffic is very difficult to Nantes this morning: the Quai de la Fosse is closed to traffic in both directions. Clisson Route: it is closed at the Joliverie, a local detour is in place. Tan Info: L42 deflected Bourdonnières / Hat Verni, in both directions. Blocking at the Jean Perrin in Rezé, L30 deflected between Diderot / Cross Rezé, in both directions L4 and deflected entreBourdonnières Maraîchers in both directions.
Blocage Joliverie et Jean Perrin.
L4 et 42 déviées entre Bourdonnières et Maraîchers, 2 sens.
L30 déviée entre Diderot et C de Rezé, 2 sens— Info trafic Tan (@infotrafic_tan) March 31, 2016