Marine Le Pen wants to “skin” the European Commissioner for Agriculture

General News
Marine Le Pen at the Agricultural fair, lending support to French farmers

On a visit Tuesday to the Agricultural Fair, Marine Le Pen has asked the government to engage in “violent showdown with Brussels.”

President of the National Front called the “skin” of Phil Hogan , European Commissioner for Agriculture, on arrival at the Agricultural Show in Paris.


“We must get out of the French debate and initiate a violent showdown with Brussels. To save the skin of farmers and breeders French, one must have to skin Phil Hogan “ launched the President of the FN, who began her visit at 08:30 am with the dairy farmers.

Support grows

Asked about the stormy visit on Saturday with Francois Hollande to open and tense Monday of Manuel Valls and the dismantling of the Ministry of Agriculture booth, the far-right leader said: “I understand the discontent of farmers “ before repeating twice: ” I support unconditionally “.  Marine Le Pen has wandered around the aisles accompanied including vice president of FN Florian Philippot, his niece and MP Vaucluse Marion Maréchal -The Pen and the FN group President Regional Council of Ile-de-France Saint Just Wallerand.

Phil Hogan binding pattern

 As is the case for several years, the leader of the extreme right party been the subject of a curious and friendly welcome, with some encouragement and urging onlookers to take pictures. “We are the defenders of French agriculture not only in words but also in deeds. It takes a battle area and fight the war in Brussels “ assured the presidential candidate. She thundered against Mr. Hogan ” which for two years struggles to explain that there is no crisis “ . “He did everything to make itself today a disastrous situation” , she said, accusing him of “conflict of interest” on milk given he is Irish and have “worked for prohibition of labelling and a liquidation of regulation means “ and be a “champion of free trade agreements “ .  The president of FN requested “regulation means to get prices for our farmers “ ,“compulsory born, raised labelling transformed” , “stop transatlantic treaty” and“negotiations with New Zealand and Australia” , the “war on intra-European social dumping” . The salon of Agriculture 2016, a year of presidential elections takes place in a particularly tense climate, several categories of professionals, including dairy farmers or pigs, considering their sector in serious danger because of too low purchase price their productions or the Russian embargo.

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