Seine-et-Marne: Are Masks in Downtown La Ferté-sous-Jouarre Well Accepted?

Local News
Since Monday, August 24, the prefecture has made wearing a mask compulsory in the streets of downtown La Ferté-sous-Jouarre. What do pedestrians think?

Since Monday 24th August, the prefecture has made wearing a mask compulsory in the streets of downtown La Ferté-sous-Jouarre. What do pedestrians think?

Blue, white, or coloured, it doesn’t matter. But it is masked that everyone must now stroll in the busy streets of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre. Indeed, since Monday, August 24, the prefecture has imposed the wearing of masks on the town hall square and its adjacent streets, but also in part of the rue des Pelletiers.

Like Marine, a student who grew up in La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, “if that can reassure people, and really protect why not. “If she claims to put it in stores, she says she does not do it in the street” except when you can not have a meter of distance on the sidewalks or it is mandatory. According to her, “there are a lot of people who don’t care. Here, I’m not sure it changes anything, but at least when you have it on your nose, you don’t forget it. ”

“Everyone should take their responsibilities”

For their part, François and Sylviane, inhabitants of Saint-Jean-les-Deux-Jumeaux, met on the town hall square during a quick race say they understand the obligation to wear a mask in large cities, but “in small towns like that, we don’t really understand why. Afterwards, if there are a lot of elderly people, it is justified, or if there are a lot of people in the streets as in the markets. But when you walk down the streets here, there’s enough social distancing. ”

Marie, a resident of Saâcy-sur-Marne, goes regularly to La Ferté-sous-Jouarre to make her purchases.

For her, “it’s a shame that we come to this kind of systematic obligation or prohibition. I understand that certain things are being imposed, because the French are not disciplined and that we have allowed too much to happen. I think everyone should take their responsibilities. To impose too much is to infantilize. And sometimes people explode. We are asked to make an effort, but we allow certain demonstrations, it is a little sickening sometimes. “

If she recognizes it, you have to protect yourself from the virus, she admits to removing it when there is no one in the street. “In terms of health, it’s not so good. We breathe our own oxygen. We need to renew our air. ”

An educational approach

“We are in an educational process. The objective is not to make money, but to do prevention in the riskiest places of the city, ”reassures the mayor, Ugo Pezzetta.

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