Brexit: British Parliament Suspended until 14th October

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Brexit: British Parliament suspended until 14 October

The opposition denounced Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision as a way of preventing MPs from halting a Brexit without an agreement on the 31st October.

The British government will suspend Parliament the second week of September and until October 14thtwo weeks before the expected date of Brexit, announced Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday, making it difficult for MPs to oppose an exit without EU agreement.

The pound fell by -0.6% against the euro and the dollar as a result of this information, which reinforces the hypothesis of a hard Brexit.

Read also: At G7 in Biarritz, Trump shows his complicity with Johnson on Brexit

Parliamentary re-entry scheduled for next Tuesday

The return to parliament is scheduled for Tuesday, September 3rd. The Prime Minister announced that he wrote to Queen Elizabeth II asking her to suspend Parliament the following week, after the debates of 9 September, and until 14th October. The parliamentary session would then resume with the traditional Queen’s speech, in which she sets out the government’s agenda.

“I think it is essential that the Parliament sits before the European Council (scheduled for October 17th and 18th, ed), and if, as I hope, an agreement with the EU is imminent, Parliament will have the possibility to adopt the law on withdrawal agreement necessary for ratification before October 31st. “said the head of government in a statement.

“The weeks leading up to the European Council are vital for my negotiations with the EU,” he said, adding:

“By showing unity and determination, we have a chance to win a new agreement that can be adopted by Parliament.”

The previous EU exit agreement with Theresa May’s government after more than two years of fierce negotiations had been rejected by MPs three times. The latter failed to agree on the form to be taken by Brexit, voted in June 2016 by 52% of the British.

The parliamentary calendar set by Boris Johnson makes it unlikely that MPs opposed to an exit without EU approval could pass laws to prevent a Brexit without an agreement on the 31st October.

“A particularly scandalous affront to our democracy”

If the British Parliament is traditionally suspended for several weeks in September because of the annual conferences of the political parties, the extension of this suspension until October 14, 12 days after the end of the last conference, that of the Tory party, provoked Outraged reactions from the opposition, who denounced an “undemocratic” maneuver.

“This action is a particularly outrageous affront to our democracy. We can not let that happen, “tweeted Tom Watson, deputy head of Labor, the main opposition party, while former Independence Party leader Anna Soubry said democracy was” threatened a ruthless Prime Minister “.

“So it seems that Boris Johnson is about to close Parliament to impose a Brexit without agreement. Unless the deputies unite to prevent it next week, today will go down in history as a dark day for British democracy, “responded on Twitter Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

“He’s trying to stifle their voices”

Boris Johnson defended his decision by saying on Sky News that the timetable “will leave ample time for MEPs to debate the EU and Brexit”.

But for the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Jo Swinson, Boris Johnson has shown “cowardice”.

“He knows that people would not choose the no-deal and that elected representatives would not allow it. He is trying to stifle their voices, “she said in a statement.

On Tuesday, opposition party leaders met to agree on a common strategy to avoid a “no-deal” by passing a law in this direction.

Boris Johnson is desperate to leave the EU, with or without a divorce agreement, a position that deeply divides the United Kingdom, even into its conservative camp, part of which wants to maintain close ties with the EU. Abrupt cuts cause fears of food, fuel and medicine shortages, as well as the reinstatement of tariffs.

London and the EU oppose the fate of the future Irish border, which will separate the United Kingdom from the European single market while being ready to discuss it.

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