WEATHER: Heavy rain is expected in the night from Sunday to Monday across Alpes-Maritime and Corsica, placing them on Orange Alert by Meteo France …
The elements will be unleashed in the south of the country. Meteo-France has placed the Alpes-Maritimes in orange alert and the Corsica where heavy rain storms are expected in the night from Sunday to Monday. “They can be accompanied by hail, strong gusts of wind and heavy rainfall,” says the organisation. Before adding: “Combinations of the order of 70/100 mm in a short time are possible. ”
#VigilanceOrange #pluies et #orages en #Corse et #AlpesMaritimes :
Episode prévu de lundi 03h à lundi 20h.
Cumuls de 100-150mm (voire 200mm sur le relief), parfois 70/100mm en peu de temps.
Aussi du #vent fort en Corse avec fortes #vagues
Restez informés :— VigiMétéoFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) 28 October 2018
During the day of Monday, “the showers can give accumulations of 100 to 150 mm locally 180 mm on the southern slopes of the alpine and Corsican terrain”, continues Météo France, adding that “floods are possible”.
In addition, the rise in sea level could “engender submersions on the lower or vulnerable parts of the coast of southern Corsica (mainly the Gulf of Ajaccio) and the Alpes-Maritimes”.