WhatsApp: Users “Forced” to Accept the New Privacy Rules

Tech News
WhatsApp users forced to accept new privacy conditions

PERSONAL DATA: Users will have until the 8th February 2021 to validate the new terms of use, otherwise they will no longer be able to use the WhatsApp application.

Take it or leave it. At the start of 2021, WhatsApp will change the conditions of use of its services, and in particular, the way in which the application processes users’ personal data .

They will therefore soon have to validate the new “conditions and updates to the confidentiality policy”. If they refuse, WhatsApp services will no longer be accessible to them, reveals  The Independent relayed by Fredzone.

An imperative

WhatsApp does not take any tweezers. “By pressing I accept, you accept the new conditions which will come into force on February 8, 2021, indicates the messaging platform. After this date, you will have to accept the new conditions to continue using WhatsApp or you can still delete your account. “

Contacted by The Independent, WhatsApp confirmed the imperative to validate these new conditions. The Facebook subsidiary did not comment further on the changes regarding users’ personal data.

New products for companies

The next app update will also boost commerce and make it easier for users to connect with a product. WhatsApp has already warned last October that the application will “allow customers to view available products and make purchases directly from a chat.”

With this update, businesses will be able to manage messages sent by customers via WhatsApp from Facebook’s hosting services. The application will of course charge for these different business services.

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