For the resumption of business activity after deconfinement on May 11th, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe wishes above all to guarantee the safety and health of employees.
The companies must maintain their activity whatever happens, even if all employees can not take the way to work at the decontainment.
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe presented this Tuesday 28th April 2020 to the National Assembly his plan to restart the country from May 11th, while the coronavirus epidemic is slowing but is not over after 43 days of confinement.
“Health and safety” of employees above all
Edouard Philippe was cautious regarding the situation of companies and called above all to guarantee the “safety and health” of employees. The telecommuting must thus “be maintained wherever possible, at least for the next 3 weeks. ”
“No one is unaware of the constraints, but it must continue to limit the use of public transport and to limit contacts more generally.”
In addition to teleworking, for those who have to go physically to their workplaces, the practice of staggered schedules must be “encouraged” to allow spreading out the comings and goings in transport or the physical presence in the premises.
An exchange with the unions on Thursday
33 guides are available to detail the “good practices” to be implemented and “reorganize work” in each sector. Thirty other guides should soon be available by May 11, said the Prime Minister, referring to the coordination of the Ministry of Labor.
In addition, the partial activity mechanism must remain in place until June 1st, 2020. “The most vulnerable people and the companies most affected” and whose doors will remain closed after May 11th will benefit from state support.
Read also: Deconfinement: gradual reopening, wearing a mask … What to remember about schools
This Thursday, April 30, a new exchange must be held with the unions, also said, Edouard Philippe.
Over 10 million short-time workers
Partial unemployment will remain in place until June 1. Since the start of confinement, more than 10 million workers have been placed on short-time working to cope with the decline in activity in their business. This system, which allows the employee to be compensated up to 70% of gross salary and 84% of net salary, concerns at least 820,000 companies, or more than six in ten.
To support small businesses hit hard by the health and economic crisis, the State has set up a solidarity fund. The self-employed and very small businesses (TPE) could request the payment of a tax-free premium of up to 1,500 euros.