7.1% More: Historic Increase in the Number of Unemployed in France Over One Month

Historic increase in the number of unemployed in France over one month

3,732 million unemployed people were registered in category A in March 2020, 246,000 more than the previous month, said Pôle Emploi, on Monday.

The number of unemployed (category A) recorded a historic increase over one month in March (“246,100, or ” 7.1% ) to settle at 3,732 million, said Pôle Emploi on Monday 27th April 2020.

In the first quarter, the increase remains low (“0.7% to 3.576 million) because this number had dropped sharply in January and February.

“Unusual nature of the current situation”

Due to a net decrease in the number of job seekers in reduced activity (categories B, C), the workforce A, B, C increased less sharply in March (“177,500, or” 3.1%). It remained stable over the quarter at 5.744 million.

“Taking into account the unusual nature of the current situation”, Pôle Emploi and Dares (statistical service of the Ministry of Labor) published, in addition to the quarterly figures, “a note on the developments that occurred in the month of March alone”.

The increase in enrollments in categories A, B, C in March “comes from both a clear increase in entries to Pôle Emploi (” 5.5%) and a very sharp drop in exits (-29, 0%) ”, they underline in a press release.

“The inflows for the end of the interim mission and for the end of short contracts are on the rise, the establishment of confinement having led to non-renewals as well as to less new short-term hirings”, they explain.

“Most reasons for leaving fall back, in particular the lack of updating, which generally covers part of the return to work not declared at Pôle emploi, but also the return to work declared, entry into training or training, as well than administrative write-offs.”

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