Coronavirus: “Everyone Must Give up Non-Essential Travel”, asks Elisabeth Borne

General News
"Everyone must give up non-essential travel", asks Elisabeth Borne because of the coronavirus

EPIDEMIC: At a press conference this Sunday at the end of the morning, the Minister of Transport indicated the transport restrictions taken as of this Monday to fight against the spread of coronavirus

“Long-distance” transport by train, coach or plane will be “gradually reduced” in the coming days in order to limit the spread of the coronavirus and will have to be “limited to what is strictly necessary”, announced this Sunday the Minister for Ecological Transition Elisabeth Bourne, at a press conference

Seven TGV out of ten from this Monday, then one or two during the week

The objective is to “limit long-distance travel to the bare minimum, to slow the spread of the virus”, even if “everyone can return to their home” and that “there will be no sudden stop “Said the Minister.

In detail, there will be seven TGV out of ten from Monday, then one or two during the week. Two TER out of three will run from Tuesday. “There is no shortage of fuel,” also said Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, secretary of state for transport at the same conference.

Measures still too little respected?

In the Paris conurbation, 80% of metros will operate and traffic will be normal on RER A and B. Finally, buses and trams will operate normally.

“We note the still insufficient adoption on the part of our citizens of the rules concerning gatherings,” deplores Elisabeth Borne. “Everyone must give up non-essential travel, pleasure, and have recourse to transport only when necessary,” she recalls. That is to say when it is related to health, work or food. “

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