WEATHER: The forecast for the weather in Charente this Thursday 10th October 2019, is for gradual improvement throughout the day with an afternoon with few clouds
The forecast for the weather in Charente this Thursday 10th October 2019, is for gradual improvement throughout the day with an afternoon with few clouds according to the latest forecast from Meteo France.
It is mild this morning in Charente, the sky is covered in places and the air is humid. The morning will still be cloudy and rainy, but the bad weather will gradually move north. The afternoon will be pretty with a few clouds.
The wind will blow weakly and the temperatures will indicate 19 degrees in Cognac and 18 degrees in Angouleme.
The trend is confirmed for this weekend which looks very beautiful especially Sunday, where the temperatures should reach 25 degrees.
![Weather in Charente: The Sky is Emerging 2 The afternoon forecast for the weather in Charente](