After a call launched on Facebook by Eric Drouet, one of the leaders of Yellow Vests, Act VI of the event will take place in Versailles (Yvelines), this Saturday 22nd December
How many will they be? That’s the whole question! Versailles, prefecture of Yvelines , is preparing in any case to host the act VI of the demonstration of yellow vests, this Saturday 22nd December
The idea was launched on Facebook by Eric Drouet, one of the leaders of the yellow vests movement, on the La France enervée page. The rally is scheduled between 6am and 8am in Versailles.

For the moment, 1,400 people have declared themselves to be participating and 8,000 interested. But Versailles expects a lesser participation, according to the words of the prefect of Yvelines, Jean-Jacques Brot.
⚠️ Le château et le domaine de Versailles seront fermés à la visite le samedi 22 décembre.
⚠️ The Palace and the Estate and Palace of Versailles will be closed on Saturday 22nd December.
— Chateau de Versailles (@CVersailles) 20 December 2018
So, the Royal City is getting ready. The Palace of Versailles and its domain will be closed to the public on Saturday 22nd December.
Protesters should be concentrated on the Avenue de Paris , between the Avenue du General-De-Gaulle and the grants. Several meters from the castle.
“This is an important area, said Jean-Jacques Brot, prefect of Yvelines, Friday morning at a press conference. The Avenue de Paris is also wider than the Avenue des Champs-Elysées. This will prevent protesters from entering commercial areas.“
An unpredictable movement
“The unpredictability” of this event thus leads to “preventive measures”.
Ludovic Kauffman , Departmental Director of Public Security of Yvelines details.
“Vehicles arriving in Versailles will be checked. The investigation teams are reinforced as well as the plain clothes teams. Finally, for the event to unfold in the best conditions, we will have the reinforcement of mobile units “
According to the prefect, the number was not yet known this Friday morning but the high figure of 800 CRS circulated. On the other hand, no armor should come in reinforcement.
Asked about his state of mind, the prefect of Yvelines said he was “serene”.
“There is no concern but some seriousness considering what has already happened elsewhere. We will adapt the device as and when.”
On the transports
To best manage the arrival of the demonstrators in Versailles, several restrictions will be put in place transport side .
Departmental 10, leading to Saint-Cyr-l’Ecole , should be closed to traffic.
Likewise, train traffic will be impacted.
On line L , traffic will be interrupted between Saint-Cloud and Versailles Rive-Droite . On the RER C line , the Versailles Château Rive-Gauche , Porchefontaine and Viroflay Rive-Gauche stations will be closed in the Paris-Versailles direction, but open in the other direction.
The Chantiers station will remain open with control of the exits.
In short, this Saturday, December 22, it will be much easier to leave Versailles than to enter.