This Monday, in the Seine-et-Marne, a dozen yellow vests took position in front of the Total de Grandpuits refinery. The movement could grow in the evening.
After the mobilisation of the weekend, the movement of yellow vests continues its route in Seine-et-Marne.
This Monday 19th November, while several groups have announced wanting to block fuel depots, some forty protesters (35 according to the police) have taken place in front of the refinery of Total Grandpuits-Bailly-Carrois .
This afternoon, they were four to start the movement , before being joined in the afternoon by other protesters: “The appointment, broadcast on social networks, is fixed at 8pm to really block the refinery, Marion explains, among the first on the spot. So we should be even more numerous tonight. ”
The purpose of the Yellow Vests is to prevent the supply of the site which is carried out partly in the evening and at night.