The SNCF makes young people aware of the risks to be introduced on the railways of its network. She launched a prevention campaign in schools in Brittany
The main causes of mortality on the railways are related to unauthorized intrusions. At the national level, this represents 55 deaths per year and 34 serious injuries on more than 10,300 recorded intrusions.
To fight against these bad habits, the SNCF has launched a prevention campaign called “2:38″ with the slogan ” do not become the nightmare of another .”
Visit to schools
The aim of this campaign is to “raise the awareness of young people as a priority, which is why a tour of Brittany was undertaken to visit 18 schools,” explain the organizers.
An experience that the head teacher of the Lycée Les Rimains in Saint-Malo , François Gautier, willingly accepted:
“The high school being located closer to the railway station of Saint-Malo, I was seduced by this approach to educate high school students on the dangers that can represent the railways.”
Virtual reality
To raise the awareness of young high school students in Brittany, the SNCF has chosen to organize a regional tour featuring a truck equipped with virtual reality headsets to broadcast the film “2h38” , lasting 2 minutes and 30 seconds, which highlights the risk of collision with a train or electrocution in case of unauthorized intrusion on the railways.
The SCNCF truck made its first Breton stop in Saint-Malo at les Rimains high school on Monday, September 10th, 2018 and then at Jacques Cartier high school on Tuesday, September 11th, to raise the awareness of the seconde and premier classes.