Real Estate in France: Nantes, Paris and Lyon are Popular for Roommates

Finance Property
The request from the students for roommates, for the start of the 2017 academic year, was much stronger than in the past years.

Budgets, requests from students, popular cities … The site draws up an inventory of the colocation in France thanks to the figures of the first trimester of 2018.

A roommate for 6 contenders in Nantes! Indeed, in Paris and Lyon as well, the gap between the number of offers and requests is the largest. 5.6 applicants for an offer in the capital and 5.2 in Lyon.

This is what reveals the site Appartager in his barometer colocation for the first quarter of 2018 . With more than 10 million visitors and nearly 25,000 active members, the site was able to make the typical portrait of the French tenant.

7% inflation

At the top of the ranking of cities most popular for colocation, we find in addition to these three first:  Bordeaux, Toulouse or Montpellier.  The average price of rent is 496 euros, during the first quarter of 2018, an inflation of 7% compared to 2017. It reaches 585 euros in the Paris region and it is only 389 euros in Toulouse.

Rents increased in Bordeaux and Montpellier to reach respectively € 463 (+ 5%) and € 417 (+ 3%) compared to the first quarter of 2017. Conversely, in other cities such as Lyon, prices were decreased: € 499 (- 2%).

The amount of rent also varies according to the category in which it is located. Rents are particularly high when the owner does not live in the house: 478 euros, against 449 euros for a cohabitation with the owner. The cost increases again when the rent is managed by an agency: it goes to 530 euros.

Students in numbers

Students are still the majority in roommates. They represent 46% against 44% for employees. The share of pensioners remains very low but stable with less than 1%. In large part, this mode of housing concerns 18-25, they alone symbolize 57% of tenants against 33% for 26-40 years.

Renting a flat share would be 30% cheaper than a studio and savings on rental charges are also to be taken into account. Employees are attracted by the roommate for not living alone even if their number decreases, because access to property for young people is easier: state aid or reduction of borrowing rates.

Owners reluctant to animals

Only 16% of landlords accept couples in their roommate for fear that people will isolate themselves to the detriment of other tenants present in the housing.

In addition, only 6% of donors accept children in their homes. Yet, ads from single parents are in net progression. And finally 8% of landlords are reluctant to allow animals.

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