Smoking: The Pack of Cigarettes will Increase by One Euro on 1st March

Finance General News
Smoking in France is getting more expensive, with a price increase in Cigarettes on 1st March

As part of its national health strategy, the government increases the price of smoking on the 1st March 2018.  Packet of cigarettes increase by one euro and rolling tobacco by two euros.

As announced by the government, the price of a packet of cigarettes will experience a new increase.  It will increase by a euro on average and two euros for rolling tobacco, as of the 1st March 2018.

This new decree was signed by Gerald Damarnin, Minister of action and public accounts as well as Agnes Buzyn, Minister of Health. The prices of packages vary from 7.50 euros to 9.10 euros for the most expensive. As for rolling tobacco, they will range from 9.50 to 11.10 euros.

Behind this increase, the government has set a goal:  to charge 10 euros for a packet of 20 cigarettes in November 2020. 

26.6 billion in social costs

This is already the second increase since the government came to power. The first thirty cents, took place in the month of November 2017 .

It is part of the national health strategy adopted in late 2017, which aims to reduce the number of smokers in France, and thus, that of the  social costs associated with smoking. These are estimated at 26.6 billion euros.

Taxed at 80%

For this, four new increases will be spread over the coming years, as shown by our colleagues Sciences et Avenir  :  50 cents in April and November 2019, and 50 and 40 cents in April and November 2020.

In France, it is the tobacco industry who set their price. But the government itself decides to apply taxes on cigarettes which account for 80% of the total price of a pack of cigarettes. 

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