Government: Nicolas Hulot, from the Amazon Rainforest to the Macron Government

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Nicolas Hulot has been approached by the last three French presidents.

GOVERNMENT: The former television presenter becomes Minister of State …

At 62, Nicolas Hulot is appointed Minister of Ecological Transition and Solidarity with the rank of state minister in the first government of Emmanuel Macron . Back to profile of former French journalist and politician.

He has a history of adventurer

Nicolas Hulot began his career in 1987 in the show Ushuaia Nature. Hair in the wind, he explores the farthest corners of the earth in a microlight or balloon and educates viewers to respect nature. Daredevil, he does not hesitate to take risks, as here in Palenque, Mexico.

A major player in the environmental scene

No need for a mandate to advance his cause. “Nicolas Hulot was all the great victories of the ecology in France. He fought for the introduction of the carbon tax, has worked on the Grenelle Environment and on the COP21” says one of his closest collaborators. He made the fight against GMOs another of his big fights.

It concerns the presidents

Before Emmanuel Macron, several presidents had been attracted by the profile of the former host of Ushuaia . First, Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande suggested him to be a minister, but he refused each time. “Three times he felt he was not in the right place at the right time,” says one in his entourage. In 2012, after being beaten by Eva Joly from primary EELV, he decided to devote time to the foundation that bears his name.

He appreciated his entourage

“He is at the service of his cause and never favors his own interests.”  “Nicolas Hulot can not lie. It is an absolute sincerity.”  The close circle of the former presenter raved about his personality.  Beyond his fight for ecology, his entourage underscores its global vision of societal struggles.  “An interest he has shown for example by launching the call for solidarity.”  A movement that brings together 80 associations and which offered 500 proposals for candidates for the presidential .

He would have a decisive role in government

Appointed to the government but little used? “The risk is that it is a trophy,” warned Cécile Duflot for France Info. “But the hope is that he arrives with his sincerity and determination to radically change the current choice of president. This would be good news. […] I trust Nicolas Hulot to be well aware of that risk. “His friends hope for him” a transitional role at the heart of government. “

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