The President, Emmanuel Macron has appointed today, Monday his Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, a Republican (LR) Deputy Mayor of Le Havre, aged 46. He is a close friend and advisor to Alain Juppe
Barely older than Emmanuel Macron, Édouard Philippe, Republican (LR) Deputy Mayor of Le Havre and supporter of Alain Juppé , is now the Prime Minister of France. Born in Rouen (Seine-Maritime) in 1970, he is the son of two French teachers.
He passed his BAC in Bonn, Germany, where his father had been transferred. He then took a year hypokhâgne, before studying three years at Sciences Po and two years at ENA. His political career began in 1997 at the Council of State. Militant Socialist Party, he argued Michel Rocard for two years, before approaching the right.
Near Alain Juppé
In 2002, Alain Juppé asked him to participate in the founding of the UMP, then aged 31, he will serve as general manager of services for two years, the time to learn the large-scale political workings. Discreet about his private life, this man of 46, is married with three children and has never exercised functions within a government.
When the mayor of Bordeaux is sentenced in the case of fictitious jobs in the Paris City Hall, the latter joined the private sector, says France Info . Then, three years later, he joined the cabinet of Alain Juppé, then appointed to Ecology Minister François Fillon in Sarkozy government. Aurore Bergé, former member of the campaign team of Alain Juppé said in an interview with Challenges : “They have a great mutual trust and are similar in many ways: their intelligence, their culture, their vision of society “ .
Little known to the general public
In March, he left the campaign team of François Fillon after the Penelopegate. He then launched “it’s word has a meaning” , incurring the wrath of fillonistes. Rigorous, it gave up to run for parliamentary elections in 2017, to enforce the law on multiple directorships.
Favorite for the position of the prime minister for several days, and unknown to the general public, he took over from Antoine Rufenacht in 2010 in Le Havre, before being elected in the first round in 2014.
Since the death of his father, Édouard Philippe began boxing and now trains three hours a week. “It helps to let off steam. There is early morning and does not like to miss a workout, “said one of his relatives. His coach? The same as the former champion kick-boxing, Jerome Le Banner, reports LCI . “I give some blows, I also give. I learn a lot. You know, it’s a sport humbling “ .
This discreet is also capable of strokes of brilliance. September 27, 2015, he swam across the Le Havre Trade basin in both directions, in water at 16 ° C, the result of a bet on the reunification of Normandy as part of the reform areas .
Author of two novels
He is also the author of two novels, he wrote with Gilles Boyer. In the first, entitled Dans l’ombre (In the Shadow), written with Gilles Boyer, another faithful of Alain Juppe, and published in 2011, tells the disillusionment of adviser a candidate for the Elysee, confronted with suspicions of fraud that plague the win his champion to the primary.
In the L’heure de vérité (moment of truth), halfway between the detective story and political fiction, written with the same accomplice, he had already tried in 2007 to unveil the ruthless below the political world.
One also had talent in Libération, the leftist daily, where he held a weekly column for the presidential campaign. There he said on the 18th January 18, 2017 of Emmanuel Macron, “which assumes nothing but promises all, with the ardor of a youthful conqueror and cynicism of an old hand” : “For some (…) it would be the natural son of Kennedy and Mendes-France. This is doubtful. The first had more charisma, the second most principles. “
A docu “Edward, my straight buddy”
He also rejects the comparison with Brutus, murderer of Caesar, “who despair of the Republic degenerate” . In his eyes, Emmanuel Macron then more like a minor player in Roman history, “Naevius Macro Sutorius said Macron became official in favor of a palace revolution adviser Tiberius” , he also will end by murder.
Asked about the criteria to guide Emmanuel Macron in choosing a government leader, François Hollande confided little before giving his Elysee office to his former protégé: “He must have great confidence in his Prime Minister, because that is where it all happens. “
In 2014 and 2016, his “friend from left ‘, the director Laurent Cibien, with whom he was in school ” just after the end “, has made a film and directed the documentary Edward, my straight buddy .
Cufflinks and conductor
Guest of RTL on Wednesday, his friend, Gilles Boyer said “If I were president, I would call (note – Édouard Philippe) Prime Minister” . For the latter, Édouard Philippe for “experience” and “shoulders to perform this function.”
In a Chinese portrait published in 2010 by The Point, also are taught some unusual details on the new prime minister. For example, the fact that he is an avid collector of cufflinks, he is scared of dentists and sharks and is a fan of Bruce Springsteen. The job he dreamed of ? A Conductor. “Unfortunately, I did not have the talent for it”, he explained, discovered at the schedules of classrooms arranged music at the Rouen Conservatory primary.
“A reformer from the right, a humanist, social”
It is described by many as a hard worker. “Having worked with him, me what impresses me is his ability to swallow, being able to absorb very quickly very different folders” , entrusts BFMTV, the Deputy Mayor and Le Havre candidate for the succession of Edward Philip Agnès Firmin-Bodo.
In one of his former comrades at ENA, the new Prime Minister is Macron compatible, “it was a centrist, funny and friendly, with both leftists and rightist”, he explains to challenges.
VIDEO – Edouard Philippe “est quelqu’un d’extrêmement loyal”, assure Aurore Bergé
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) May 15, 2017
Aurore Bergé believes that from his side, Édouard Philippe is “a reformer from the right and a humanist, social. The only small difference is economic: Emmanuel Macron seems more liberal than him”.
“I do not know if you’ve read this summer chronic Édouard Philippe in Liberation, which were a remarkable intelligence. (…) They have a lot of experience despite their youth. If he is, the better “, felt his side Frédéric Mitterrand, invited this Monday morning Audrey Crespo-Mara on LCI .