Dinan: Many Accidents Due to Ice

Local News
Many road accidents due to the ice around the area of Dinan

Firefighters intervened at least six times since the start of the day for accidents in the surrounding areas of Dinan. In most cases, the ice is concerned. More information to come in the morning.


The first accident took place in Plouër-sur-Rance on Saturday morning at 8.30am. A woman was involved: after his loss of control, she came to hit a wall at a place called Le Repos. She was transported to hospital in Dinan by Smur.


At the exit of Evran, a car spun on the roof after a further loss of control. A slightly wounded woman managed to climb out of her vehicle.


A driver loses control of his car and crashes into a tree at a place called Le Bouillon, Saint-Lormel.


An accident occurred at a place called Le Noyer, to Guenroc. Shortly before 10 am, help arrived on the scene.


At a place called Bel-Orion in Pluduno, an accident involving a vehicle occurred.


Finally, in Tréfumel, the police indicates that a vehicle has been uneven, again because of the ice.

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