Saturday, May 4, 2019, two accidents occurred on the ring road of Caen.

Two Accidents on the Caen Ring Road: The Traffic is Disrupted

Two accidents took place on the ring road of Caen on Saturday 4th May. No Injuries, just damage to vehicles with consequences on traffic. Two road accidents occurred on the morning of Saturday 4th May, 2019 on the ring road of Caen (Calvados). The first occurred around 9.30 am on the South ring road. It involved a light vehicle […]

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The death toll increased by 7.3% on the roads of France in March 2019.

Road Fatalities up in March, for the Third Month in a Row

In March 2019, 250 people died on the road, an increase of 7.3% over last year, according to Road Safety figures. After two months of increases in  January and February, road mortality figures did not decline in March . According to preliminary estimates of the National Interministerial Observatory of Road Safety (ONISR) published Friday, April 19, 2019, 250 people died on […]

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Ice on the roads causing many accidents in Brittany

Brittany: Near Guingamp, Ice Causing Many Accidents

Thursday morning, several accidents occurred in Brittany near Guingamp. Also at Plouagat, Saint-Agathon and Merzer. The first accident occurred around 7 am, in Plouagat, at Coat an doc’h. Because of the ice, a 57 years old motorist lost control of his vehicle. Slightly injured, was evacuated to the Hospital of Guingamp. The second accident occurred in Saint-Agathon, to […]

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Road accident deaths in Normandy have fallen although there is more accidents

Road Safety: Fewer Deaths but More Accidents on the Roads of Normandy in November

The number of injury by road accidents has increased sharply between November 2016 and 2017, in several departments of Normandy, like the national trend. 281 dead . The number of people killed in France in traffic accidents,  in the month of November 2017 . A figure up 8.9%compared to the same period in 2016. Preliminary figures begin to emerge for departments  Normandy . In November 2017, at […]

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There were 3,477 people killed on the roads in 2016, 16 more than in 2015, according to the final report published Monday by the Road Safety

Road Deaths: 16 More Deaths in 2016 than in 2015, an Increase of 0.5%

There were 3,477 people killed on the roads in 2016, 16 more than in 2015, according to the final report published on Monday by Road Safety, which nevertheless evokes a “near stabilization”, last year having counted two days more than the previous. Mortality increased 0.5% over 2015, making 2016 the third consecutive year of increase […]

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Emergency services were busy at work this Saturday morning in the Côtes d'Armor department.

Ice in Cotes d’Armor: Twenty one Fatal Accident

Emergency services were busy at work this Saturday morning in the Côtes d’Armor department. The rain last night, and temperatures near 0 ° C this morning have made some slippery. Nearly twenty accidents occurred. “Despite the rise in temperatures, rainfall of the last hour of the still cold pavement can cause the appearance of localized […]

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Twenty road accidents have been reported this morning in the Rennes region

Rennes: Twenty Accidents this Morning in Ille-et-Vilaine

Firefighters intervened on numerous accidents this morning on the roads of the department, mainly west of Rennes. Road exits are often covered with icy road conditions. This morning, the Ille-et-Vilaine firefighters conducted numerous interventions following road traffic accidents in the department, mainly west of Rennes in Montauban-de-Bretagne, Landujan, Le Rheu, Pleumeleuc Bruz, and also to Guichen, […]

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This morning, the black ice caused some accidents in Trégor. |

Ice: Few Accidents this Morning in Trégor

The temperature might be a little milder, but the roads are slippery this morning in Trégor in Brittany.  Firefighters were called to Lannion several roads have patches of black ice. Caution. Saturday morning, the Lannion firefighters have been called several times to accidents. At Coatréven, Cavan, Kermaria-Sulard, Quemperven, Plestin les Greves … Each time, motorists have […]

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