After the recent episodes that rocked the city, the day looks delicate in Nantes. Demo against the labour law early in the day and the carnival tonight.
Traders are on edge. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Association City Centre have called for sanctuaries in the centre of the city after the latest protests were violent, and the windows of traders were shattered. Objects and even Molotov cocktails were launched. In this context, yesterday, the municipal opposition leader, Laurence Garnier, bluntly taken a step in formally asking the prefect “to prohibit the demonstration” and to take all measures to prevent it. This debate irritates the unions. They fight against the proposed labour law, the right to protest of thousands of workers struggling against a proposed reform should not be sacrificed for abuses of some of the protesters

Carnival … or not?
The police will monitor, Place de Bouffay, with a heavy presence of the CRS. On Facebook, an alternative call was suggested to gather at the Isle of Nantes, although the majority seem to be heading to Place de Bouffay. Two other appointments lay ahead for the evening. Tonight is the traditional family carnival from 9pm and there has been a new call for another #NuitDebout in place de Bouffay as well. If the protests of the afternoon experience overflows, the carnival organizers could continue with their event with higher security provided.