First day state of emergency in France. The country is waking up Saturday morning in fright after the series of terrorist attacks in Paris Friday night.
An update on the terrible attacks in Paris last night, as more information is now coming clear is that at least 128 people were killed and 192 injured including 79 in a serious condition, during the attacks last night. The Eight attackers were all killed. All night emergency services were on full alert.
Crisis Meeting at the Elysee
The president, François Hollande is holding a Defence Council meeting this morning at the Elysee. Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve arrive at the Elysee Palace to attend the Defence Council chaired by Francois Hollande. Ségolène Royal (Ecology), Christiane Taubira (Justice), Jean-Yves Le Drian (Defence), Marisol Touraine (Health), Emmanuel Macron (Economics), Michel Sapin (Finance) are also present alongside the Head of State, and the secretary general of the Elysee. The Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius is it in Turkey, in Antalya, where he will replace François Hollande in the G20. The heads of the main security services are also represented Defence Council.
Membres du @gouvernementFR et État-major des Armées ont été réunis par le chef de l’État à l’Élysée ce matin https://t.co/v0yBDM6U3C
— Élysée (@Elysee) November 14, 2015
The liberal doctors unions call to end their strike In a joint statement by the CSMF, MG France, the Bloc, the SML and FMF unions, they called for “solidarity” to end the strike that started on Friday against the draft health law. It should continue this weekend.
A Sunday evening Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral, Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, archbishop of Paris, will preside over Sunday evening Mass at Notre Dame for the victims. The bell will ring at 18:15. “Our country is once again in pain and grief and faces barbarism spread by fanatical groups,” he said in a statement. “What moderation, temperance and control all of whom have shown so far are confirmed in the weeks and months to come; nobody indulges in panic or hatred, “he wishes.
No sporting event in Ile de France this weekend
The Ministry indicates that all sports events planned this weekend in Ile-de-France are suspended. The message was passed to the presidents of sports federations and national technical directors. Also many public buildings and events throughout the weekend will also be closed for the weekend as well.