The European aircraft manufacturer announced on Friday an increase in rates of his bestseller to reach 60 aircraft per month in mid-2019 …
Following the announcement of a mega order by China for 100 A320 aircraft, Airbus Group announced today, Friday that they would again increase the output of its single-aisle “to 60 aircraft per month in mid-2019 “.
Airbus to boost #A320 production to 60 a month in mid-2019 https://t.co/PrV2bRngMW pic.twitter.com/SEZ5B3lvzk
— Airbus (@Airbus) October 30, 2015
Today, 42 aircraft are manufactured each month out of its assembly plants.
Cabin layout in Toulouse
“To allow this increase in production, Airbus will expand the capacity of the assembly line in Hamburg by creating additional production lines” indicates the direction of the aircraft manufacturer in a statement. The German city is already the main production centre producing 22 A320 aircraft per month, against 16 aircraft per month in Toulouse.
To compensate, and as this was more or less expected when increasing rate, “management activities will boost A320 products on the final assembly line in Toulouse, thus harmonizing the global production process of all A320 final assembly lines, “says Airbus.
The rise should be gradual and normally reach the 50 planes in mid-2017.
Since its launch, 12,200 units of this aircraft have been ordered and 6,700 have been delivered. The backlog provides the Group several years of production.