The bonus of 10,000 euros, currently provided by the government …
The bonus of 10,000 euros, currently provided by the government for the purchase of an electric vehicle in exchange for the abandonment of a diesel vehicle over 15 years, will be extended to diesel vehicles over 10 years, Segolene Royal said on Friday.
“We will give the bonus of 10,000 euros for the purchase of an electric vehicle in exchange for the abandonment of an old diesel vehicle over 10 years instead of 15 years now,” said the Minister Ecology and Energy.
This bonus came into force on April 1 for diesel vehicles prior to 2001. It must concern “a greater number of motorists, since over 15 years is close,” Ms Royal has insisted.
She also called for a reduction of the purchase price of electric vehicles. “That’s why I will launch a call for projects with plans for future investments for French manufacturers or European, to develop a popular electric car, for the consumer, whose price could range would be between 5,000 and 8,000 euros. ”
The minister also reiterated that the executive was considering changing the current the tax benefit of about 15 cents per litre of diesel compared to petrol, the tax would be reduced to bring taxation of these two fuels to the same amount.
But “this can not be done overnight,” so not to penalize motorists driving diesel, continued Ms Royal.
“I think in five years, it would be the right solution,” she added, referring to “1.5 per cent decline per year on petrol and increase of diesel.”
“So we have to let people know that change is coming and that people have time to see it coming. And as the price of oil is low now, it will be virtually painless, “Ms Royal has estimated.
But “what I hope in five years is that one car in two will be electric. There can be real change, it’s there. “