United Kingdom: Boris Johnson appointed prime minister

United Kingdom: Boris Johnson Appointed Prime Minister

Former London mayor Boris Johnson was appointed Tuesday 23rd July 2019 by conservative Party activists to succeed Theresa May and carry out Brexit. Long-time leader to succeed Theresa May, pro-Brexit leader Boris Johnson has been appointed Tuesday 23rd July 2019 by the British Conservative Party activists to be the next prime minister. “We are going to implement Brexit on October 31st,” he said immediately […]

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Two finalists to succeed Theresa May

UK: Will Boris Johnson Succeed Theresa May

Former London mayor Boris Johnson is likely to be the next British prime minister, but he must first face a finalist appointed Thursday by MPs. British Conservative MPs will decide on Thursday 20th June 2019 to face Boris Johnson in the final sprint of Prime Minister Theresa May run-of-the-mill race, so far dominated by the exuberant pro-Brexit. Boris Johnson, […]

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Boris Johnson.on Brexit

UK: Favourite to Succeed May, Boris Johnson Refuses to pay Brexit Bill

The UNITED KINGDOM: “The money will be kept until we have more clarity on the way to go,” said Boris Johnson on Brexit Boris Johnson, considered the favourite to succeed Theresa May, warned Saturday that if he became Prime Minister, he would refuse that the United Kingdom pays the Brexit bill until the European Union agrees to better terms. withdrawal. “Our friends and partners need to […]

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US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania board Air Force One for the United Kingdom on June 2, 2019 at Andrews Base, Maryland.

Destabilized by Brexit, the United Kingdom welcomes Donald Trump with Great Fanfare

Barely arrived in London on Monday 3rd May, 2019 for a three-day state visit, the US president, DonaldTrump continued his shattering statements about British politics. Barely arrived on British soil, Donald Trump continues in the provocation. A few minutes before Air Force One landed, the Republican billionaire set the tone in a tweet by calling the […]

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Theresa May announces her resignation

British Prime Minister Theresa May will resign on June 7th

Unable to reach an agreement on Brexit, Theresa May announced Friday 24th May, 2019 that she would leave 10 Downing Street on June 7th. British Prime Minister Theresa May announced her resignation on Friday 24th May, 2019, following her failure to pass her plan to withdraw from the European Union. The voice strangled by emotion, Theresa May […]

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On Brexit, is this the end of Theresa May, as another minister resigns

Brexit: It Feels Like the End for Theresa May, Another Minister Resigns

The Minister for Parliamentary Relations, Andrea Leadsom, resigned over Brexit on Wednesday 22nd May, 2019, further weakening the position of Theresa May The exit door seemed closer on Wednesday 22nd May 2019 for British Prime Minister Theresa May, whose “last chance” plan to implement Brexit did not convince her majority or the opposition, and earned her a new resignation in her […]

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Theresa May ready to grant a new referendum to break the Brexit deadlock

Brexit: Theresa May Ready to Grant a New Referendum to Break the Deadlock

The Prime Minister says it is the “last chance” to meet the will of the British, who voted 52% for the exit of their country from the EU with Brexit. The British Prime Minister announced on Tuesday a series of compromises, including the possibility of voting on a second referendum and the continuation of a temporary customs union […]

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Theresa May to try another Brexit Vote

Brexit: Theresa May Announces She Will Make a “Daring Brexit Offer” (Last Chance)

UNITED KINGDOM: “I still believe that it is possible to obtain a majority in Parliament for an exit (from the EU) with a Brexit agreement,” writes the Prime Minister in a forum British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Sunday that she was preparing to make a “bold offer” to elected officials, in a final attempt to get them […]

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United Kingdom hopes to approve Brexit agreement before July

Brexit: UK Hopes to Adopt Brexit Agreement by July

The British government still hopes to prevent elected members of the United Kingdom from sitting in the newly-elected European Parliament with an agreement on Brexit The British government hoped on Tuesday to be able to pass its Brexit agreement before July. Downing Street has set a new timetable, saying it wants to agree before the first plenary session of the European […]

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A delay of six months for Brexit has been offered by the European Union

Brexit: A Delay of Six Months offered to the United Kingdom

On the night of Wednesday 10th to Thursday 11th April, 2019, European leaders have validated the postponement of Brexit, up to the 31st October. European leaders and Theresa May agreed on the night of Wednesday 10th April to Thursday 11th April 2019 for a postponement of Brexit. She can go until the 31st October, temporarily dismissing the […]

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