The National Assembly voted an amendment requiring the presence of a French and European flag in classrooms

Soon French and European Flags in all Classrooms?

During the examination of the draft law on education, the deputies voted an amendment obliging the presence of the national emblem of the Republic in the schools. Will all French classrooms soon be decorated with a French and European flag? On the night of Monday 11th to Tuesday 12th February, the deputies voted an amendment in this […]

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A National Strike is organised for the 5th February

February 5th Strike: Events, Disruption in Schools and Transport … What to Expect on Tuesday?

A national strike, launched by the CGT, is organised this Tuesday 5th February, throughout France. While it is difficult for the moment to estimate the extent of the mobilization, yellow vests should join the movement. The strike will have an impact on the public service and in particular the schools and canteens, the RATP, the SNCF … […]

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Mathieu Salvat, the developer engineer of the robot created in Lannion and Pierre Jacobs, the director Orange West.

Lannion: 36 Robots for Primary Schools

The children of the primary schools of Lannion will quickly make a new friend. His name is Oorobot. The primary schools of Lannion will be equipped with educational robots bought by the city and made in Lannion. Rounded shapes, two big wheels on the sides, a keyboard as a face, it answers to many educational tasks. This pure lannionnais product […]

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SNCF has launched a prevention campaign called "2:38", with the slogan "do not become another's nightmare

Collisions on Railways: The Warnings of the SCNF in Schools in Brittany

The SNCF makes young people aware of the risks to be introduced on the railways of its network. She launched a prevention campaign in schools in Brittany The main causes of mortality on the railways are related to unauthorized intrusions. At the national level, this represents 55 deaths per year and 34 serious injuries on more than 10,300 recorded intrusions. To […]

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No more mobile phones at school and college next September: the National Assembly began Thursday debates on a proposed law LREM taking a campaign promise Emmanuel Macron, but denounced as "cosmetic" by oppositions.

At the Beginning of the Next School Year, the Mobile Phone will be Forbidden at School

By a majority, MPs voted on Thursday afternoon a bill to an “effective ban” of mobile phones in schools and colleges. The National Assembly voted on Thursday 7th June, 2018 a proposed law by the LREM aimed at an “effective ban” of mobile phones in schools and colleges at the beginning of the next school year, defended by […]

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Disturbances to schools in the Charente on Tuesday

Charente: Strike on Tuesday Causing Disturbances in Schools

The public service strike on Tuesday will disrupt the operation of schools in the Charente. In Angouleme, the kindergarten Basseau will be completely closed. Following the notice of public service strike submitted for this Tuesday 12th September, day care (morning and evening) and restoration of schools and kindergartens Angoulême and Cognac are very disturbed. In Angouleme, the […]

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Charente: Back to 4 Days in 40 Schools as from September

EDUCATION: Forty schools in 34 towns, will have the 4-day week next September in the Charente … Forty schools in 34 towns, will have the 4-day week next September. This is what was announced yesterday by the school inspectorate when NTDCs (County Council of Education). “This represents 11% of  schools” , noted Richard Gazaud, departmental secretary of the UNSA […]

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The prefect of La Mancha Jacques Witkowski has deployed policemen, soldiers and police officers to schools of Cherbourg en Cotentin (Manche), since Tuesday.

Cherbourg: Rumors of Attack Against a School

Police and military are posted on Wednesday morning in front of schools of Cherbourg-Cotentin, after the ‘specific’ rumors of a bombing on some social networks. The Prefect of la Manche is reassuring. The prefect of La Manche, Jacques Witkowski has deployed policemen, soldiers and police officers in schools and public places in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche), this Wednesday […]

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A rise in School numbers in Saint-Nazaire this year

Saint-Nazaire: Back Smoothly with Numbers Rising

5460 students made their return to nursery and primary classes this morning in Saint-Nazaire … Calm returned to the 20 school groups in Saint-Nazaire on Thursday morning. Numbers are on the rise again this year with a hundred additional students, bringing the number to 5,460 students at last count. The last five years in the effective […]

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Angers has increased security at schools and colleges at the start of the school year

Angers: Security is Tight in Front of Schools

National and municipal police were mobilised during the start of this school year, to avoid attacks.  A specific plan has been set up between 8 am and 9 pm and between 4 pm and 5 pm … National and municipal police were mobilised on Thursday 1st September, for the start of the school year, for safety against attacks. A specific security plan has been set […]

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