An earthquake shook western France on Friday June 16, 2023 around 6:30 p.m

Earthquake in Western France: Strong Tremor with a Magnitude between 5.3 and 5.8, Material Damage Recorded

The earthquake, with an epicentre halfway between La Rochelle and Niort, was felt from Bordeaux to Saint-Malo It was 6:38 p.m. when the building began to shake. A slight ripple cast a silence in our little editorial office. In the heat and humidity of a Friday evening, the earth shook in Rennes. The Breton capital is not […]

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A ferry diverted to Cherbourg because of a strike action in Saint-Malo

Ille-et-Vilaine: A Ferry Diverted to Cherbourg Because of a Strike Action in Saint-Malo

STRIKE ACTION: Around thirty dockers received their letter of dismissal in July from the company Saint-Malo Manutention (SMM) which will be liquidated without recovery. A ferry connecting Portsmouth to Saint-Malo, carrying more than 500 people, mostly British, could not dock this Monday morning in the normal port of Saint-Malo because of strike action, we learned from the shipping company […]

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In Brittany, near Saint-Malo, two employees sacked for refusing to work Sundays

Brittany: Two Employees of the Cora Hypermarket near Saint-Malo Sacked for Refusing to Work on Sunday

Two employees of the Cora hypermarket in Saint-Jouan-des-Guérêts, near Saint-Malo, were dismissed for refusing to work on Sunday Two employees of the Cora hypermarket in Saint-Jouan-des-Guérêts, near Saint-Malo , were sacked for refusing to work on Sunday. The information was unveiled by our colleagues of Europe 1 this Tuesday 21st May, 2019. The store has opted to open every Sunday morning since March 2018. However, it seems that no […]

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Giant dolls, accompanied by a fanfare, will walk the streets of Saint-Malo, Intra-Muros, this Saturday

Giant Dolls in the Streets of Saint-Malo

Giant dolls, accompanied by a fanfare, will travel the streets of Saint-Malo, Intra-Muros, this Saturday 22nd December, 2018. It is “an exceptional and magical moment” that is announced in the streets of Intra-Muros and Esplanade Saint-Vincent this Saturday 22nd December, 2018, as part of Christmas events in Saint-Malo. From 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm, the City of Saint-Malo […]

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Calls from yellow vests to block the borders of France

Yellow Vests Call For Blocking Borders This Saturday For “Act VI”

What will happen this Saturday for a possible act VI of the “Yellow Vests”. A call has been made to block borders and prevent trucks from circulating before Christmas. What will Act VI of the “Yellow Vests” look like on Saturday 22nd December, a few days before Christmas ? Despite the announcements of Emmanuel Macron and the government, members […]

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One of the barracks that had been fitted out by the yellow vests along the René Cassin roundabout, at the entrance to Saint-Malo, near the aquarium.

Saint-Malo: Yellow Vests Dislodged from the Roundabout of the Aquarium

The second HQ of the yellow vests in Saint-Malo was evacuated this Thursday morning. After the roundabout of Naye last Tuesday, the national police and the technical services of the City intervened at the beginning of the morning, this Thursday 20th December, 2018, at the roundabout René Cassin, located near the aquarium, at the entrance […]

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City employees (not to be confused with protesters) remove the yellow vests while policemen watch the handful of protesters still present.

Port of Saint-Malo: The Yellow Vests Evacuated, the Roundabout Unlocked

Tuesday 18th December, police again intervened to remove the facilities of the yellow vests on the roundabout of the port of Saint-Malo. Tuesday, December 18, 2018, early afternoon around 14 h 30, the national police is again intervened to proceed with the removal of facilities of the yellow vests, at the roundabout allowing access to the terminal of the port from Saint-Malo . City […]

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A Big sailing boat will enter Saint-Malo port on Friday

Saint-Malo: A New Big Sailboat Soon in Port

On Friday 28th September, 2018, the French sailboat, a three-master built in 1948, will arrive in Saint-Malo which will become its home port. A new big sailboat will be established in the port of Saint-Malo: the three-masted French, which must arrive in the corsair city Friday, September 28, 2018. This vessel was originally called the Kaskelot (sperm whale in Danish) and […]

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The Saint-Malo Mediatheque is to sell books this weekend

Saint-Malo: The Media Library Sells Books!

The mediatheque library of Saint-Malo puts books on sale this weekend, this Friday, 22nd and Saturday 23rd September, 2018 as part of the Saint-Michel braderie.  The media library  of Saint-Malo weeds: mean that she gets rid of some of his books to renew the stock. Notice to fans, it’s Saturday and Sunday, as part of the Saint-Michel braderie. To offer you an […]

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Gilles Lurton, MP for Saint-Malo, refused to include in the law the ban on glyphosate.

Glyphosate: Why Saint-Malo MP Gilles Lurton Did Not Vote against its Ban

Gilles Lurton, MP for Saint-Malo, refused to include in the law the ban on glyphosate. He explains the reasons for his vote: After another heated debate in the National Assembly on glyphosate , the result remained unchanged: the ban on the controversial herbicide within three years will not be enshrined in law . So decided the deputies in the night of Friday 14th to Saturday 15th September, 2018. Gilles Lurton , […]

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