The Weather in the Charente is forecast for plenty of rain today

Today’s Weather in the Charente: Rain and more Rain

Weather: Grey and Rain forecast all day … Today’s weather in the Charente is not very impressive, according to the latest forecast from Meteo France.  Today we can expect plenty of rain, under the grey skies, throughout the department. Temperatures will still not be too bad for the time of the year, with a maximum […]

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Le Gard and the Bouches-du-Rhône on orange alert for severe weather

Weather: Le Gard and the Bouches-du-Rhône on Orange Alert

Meteo France calls for vigilance in both departments this Saturday due to risks of thunderstorms and heavy rainfall … Beware of storms and heavy rains if you live in the Gard or the Bouches-du-Rhône.  On Friday night, Meteo France placed these two departments in an orange alert, with the forecast for thunderstorms and heavy rain.  Prolonged orange […]

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The forecast for the weather in Mayenne is for a rainy day

Weather in Mayenne: Rainy Day this Thursday, September 15

Yesterday evening, Meteo France announced mostly rain for this Thursday.  At dawn on Thursday, the chance of rain, however, were reported mainly in the north of the department. Although yesterday the forecast from Meteo France was for a day full of rain for the whole of the department of Mayenne, so far this morning, there has been […]

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meteo France has issued an orange alert for twenty departments in France

Thunderstorms and Rain: Twenty Departments now on Orange Alert

Thunderstorm cells back along the Atlantic coast but remarkable intensity for now. Of the fiercest storms are organized in the Gulf of Gascony, France Weather notes. Here is the map of departments concerned with vigilance. Meteo France has now placed twenty departments on orange alert for severe storms, against eleven previously . Aveyron, Hérault, Lozère […]

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On Sunday it will be cloudy in the north with a rainy disturbance while on the south, it will remain dry, according to forecasts from Météo-France.

Weather Forecast for Sunday: Clouds and Rain in the North, dry in the South

On Sunday it will be cloudy in the north with a rainy disturbance while on the south, it will remain dry, according to the weather forecast from Meteo France. A rainy disturbance will travel on neighboring regions of the English Channel in the night from Saturday to Sunday and spread to the northern half of […]

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14 departments are still on orange alert in France

Thunderstorms: 14 Departments still on Orange Alert

Fourteen departments of France, are still placed on orange alert for severe thunderstorms, announced Météo-France on Saturday morning. The departments affected by this alert are: Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Territoire de Belfort, gentle, Jura, Haute-Saône, Aube, Côte-d’Or, Haute-Marne, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Moselle, the Saône-et-Loire, the Vosges and the Yonne. Intense electrical thunderstorm activity The alert was lifted in the Haute-Vienne, Corrèze, […]

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