The office of the socialist MP Christophe Borgel walled by militants of the CGT in Toulouse

Labour Law: Activists of the CGT Wall up the Offices of a Member to Toulouse

Before the event scheduled for Tuesday against the Labour Law, activists of the CGT sealed the offices of the socialist MP Christophe Borgel … They did not give up against the Labour Act . They even decided to make use of the morning by walling the permanence of the socialist MP Christophe Borgel on Tuesday, on […]

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In a recent survey, 54 percent of the French are in support of the actions against the Labour law

54% of French People Favour the Mobilization against the Labour Law

SURVEY: The supports are fewer among supporters of the Socialist Party than those of the parties to the left of the left … With the absence of a majority in the National Assembly, the government did push through the Labour Law with the motion 49-3.  The Labour Law, introduced by Myriam El Khomri, does not win […]

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More strike action is planned across the transport sector this week

Labour law: Update on Transport Strikes Next Week

The week looks very delicate socially with protests in several sectors of transport … Opponents of the labour Law have well continue their mobilization.  Strikes and disturbances are expected next week in transport, including road, rail, air and sea. On the road Disturbances to the road network will begin on the night of Monday to Tuesday […]

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Francois Hollande has denounced the violence in Rennes

François Hollande Denounces the Violence in Rennes

On an official visit to Nigeria, President of the Republic spoke about the situation in Rennes, plagued sensitive. François Hollande denounces the violence in Rennes … Whilst on an official trip to Abuja, Nigeria, president Francois Hollande denounced the damage committed on Friday evening in the centre of Rennes by some 300 rioters. “No violence […]

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Labour Law: New Incidents and Damage to Rennes 1

Labour Law: New Incidents and Damage to Rennes

Several hundred young people defied police on Friday evening in the city centre … Several hundred young people defied the police and damaged many public facilities, bank branches and stores in the centre of Rennes on Friday night, after the evacuation at the dawn of a municipal hall, renamed “House of the People “by opponents […]

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2000 protestors marched through the City centre of Nantes

Nantes: About 2,000 protesters March in the City Centre

LABOUR LAW: The procession, made up of many young people, calls for the abandonment of the labour bill and denounced the use of 49.3 … The rain did not discourage. Nearly 2,000 protesters marched through the streets of the city centre of Nantes on Thursday afternoon to demand “the abandonment of the labour bill ” and […]

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Students protest in Laval against the Labour Law

Labour Law: The Laval Students in the Street (Video)

From 9am Thursday morning May 12th at Laval, a hundred high school students trying to mobilize youth against the labour law. Use of 49-3 does not facilitate the task. They are mostly from public schools Réaumur-Buron and Rousseau. From 9am Thursday morning, the Laval high school students trying to mobilize against the Labour Law. At […]

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Labour law:  Major Protests throughout France 2

Labour law: Major Protests throughout France

Mobilizing the call of unions opposed to the Labour law started in the morning, with schools closed in Paris and blockages reported in Rennes and Nantes. The CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires, the UNEF, the UNL and Fidl have called for demonstrations against the labour law throughout France, the fifth of national and unitary mobilization day in […]

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