The Orange network was hit Monday by a giant failure

Internet, 4G: The Orange Network Paralysed by a Giant Blackout

This Monday around noon, several Internet users have reported problems of internet connection and 4G on the Orange network. Contacted by many media, the group explained that a “maintenance operation” was at the origin of the giant failure, without giving more details. You are an Orange customer and you had difficulties to connect to the Internet via your box […]

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Messenger, Whatsapp and Instagram were affected by a global outage this Sunday

Messenger, Whatsapp and Instagram hit by Global Outage

INTERNET: Messenger, Whatsapp and Instagram were affected by a global outage this Sunday Many users of Facebook galaxy applications reported connection problems on Sunday. The Messenger, Whatsapp and Instagram platforms were affected by a global outage that lasted more than an hour. Facebook, Instagram et Whatsapp en rade chez moi, je vais devoir sortir de chez moi pour me sociabiliser […]

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Expensive Chat charges 0.8 cents for each character sent.

“Expensive Chat”, the Online Messaging where Internet Users pay 0.8 Cents for Each Character Sent

SOCIAL NETWORKS: At the end of the day, the amount corresponding to all the words you have typed is automatically debited from your account It is an original initiative, but far from being disinterested. A Dutch entrepreneur has just launched  an online chat room where each character sent is paid. On “Expensive Chat” , each letter is charged 1 cent (0.8 […]

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Child pornography photos and videos were found in Savignien's computer

Seine et Marne: He had Child Pornography on his Computer

A resident of Savigny-le-Temple has just been sentenced to imprisonment for the possession of child pornography on his computer. “It’s atrocious, disgusting, all those unbearable photos of children torn apart! But how did you store these horrors on your computer? “. It is almost the end of the trial of a resident of Savigny-le-Temple, Wednesday 20th March, when the […]

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Facebook is under investigation for sharing users data

Facebook is now Under Criminal Investigation for Data-Sharing with Tech Firms

SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook is under criminal investigation in the United States over the alleged sharing of users data Facebook is under criminal investigation in the US over the alleged sharing of user data with some of the world’s biggest tech firms, a report has claimed. At least two manufacturers of smartphones and other devices have […]

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Facebook is now back up and running

The Giant Facebook Crash is Over, it was Due to a Server Problem

Social Media: The services of the social network, but also those of Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp have been affected for almost 24 hours The forced return to “real life” is over. The crash, which has disrupted Facebook and all its applications (Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp) for 24 hours is being resorbed. “Yesterday, due to a server configuration change, many […]

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Facebook does not load for some users, March 13, 2019

Facebook and Instagram Offline for Some Users

WEB: Facebook is conducting the investigation to determine the origin of the problem If Facebook and Instagram do not load at home, you are not alone. “We are aware that some people have trouble accessing apps from the Facebook family. We are working to solve this problem as soon as possible, “said the company late morning in California […]

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Internet alert as a large scale attack is underway

Internet: Alert on a Large-Scale Attack Underway

Massive cyber attacks are underway against internet domain names, an internet gendarme alerted Friday The international organisation that assigns Internet addresses (ICANN) warned Friday 22nd February, that massive computer attacks were underway against Internet domain names, which define the addresses of the sites, in the world. These computer attacks consist in “making unauthorised changes” in the addresses […]

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Microsoft urges its users to abandon the Internet Explorer browser.

Microsoft Buries Internet Explorer Browser

Microsoft advises you to stop using your Internet Explorer browser. It is out of date since 2015 and therefore no longer supports the current standards of the web. Internet Explorer will soon end up in the trash. While many companies continue to use this pioneer of web browsers, Microsoft advises to no longer use it. In a note […]

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Facebook has ended a massive manipulation campaign orchestrated from Iran. Drawing.

Facebook Blocks New Manipulation Campaign From Iran

INTERNET: The social network, Facebook, reportedly deleted 783 pages, groups and accounts that reproduced Iran’s official position on sensitive topics The struggle of the social network against political misinformation continues.Facebook announced Thursday it has ended a new massive manipulation campaign, orchestrated from Iran and directed against many countries, including France, the second in a few months. The social network said […]

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