The beach of Parée-Préneau in Saint Hilaire de Riez, Vendée

In 2020, Google’s Enhanced Internet will Enter France by Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez

The French web needs more power. In 2020, Google will connect the US and France with a transatlantic cable that will lead to Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez, Vendée. Dunant project! This is the name of the future transatlantic private cable that will link the US and France, in order to optimize the performance of the French internet. A project led jointly by the […]

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Netflix accounts for nearly a quarter of Internet traffic in France

Netflix Accounts for Nearly a Quarter of Internet Traffic in France

INTERNET: With Netflix, Google, Akamai and Facebook, we even surpass 50% for only four content providers Watching Stranger Things in 4K consumes bytes! Four major content providers – Netflix, Google, Akamai and Facebook – alone account for 53% of French Internet traffic, Netflix is the undisputed champion according to the report on the state of the internet released Thursday by […]

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Facebook launches "Libra", its own virtual currency

Facebook Launches “Libra”, its Own Virtual Currency

Facebook is launching into cryptocurrency with “Libra”, a new means of payment that should particularly benefit the billion people “excluded” from the banking system Facebook will it fly with its 2.7 billion users with cryptocurrencies? In any case, this is his intention with “Libra”, a virtual currency meant to buy goods or send money as easily as an instant […]

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Telegram messenger victim of cyberattack, China suspected

Crisis in Hong Kong: Telegram Messenger Victim of Cyber attack, China Suspected

WEB: The encrypted messenger application, Telegram has been widely used by protesters in Hong Kong in recent days Is Beijing trying to cut the communication channels of protesters in Hong Kong?  The encrypted messenger Telegram was the victim of a major cyber attack that seems to come from China, said Thursday its co-founder on Twitter, making the link […]

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Tinder agrees to share personal data with Russian authorities

Tinder Agrees to Share the Personal Data of its Users with the Russian Authorities

The dating app, Tinder will provide personal data information on users at the request of the authorities and will have to store its data on Russian territory This is the end of the personal data of Tinder users in Russia. Roskomnadzor, the Russian agency that oversees communications, technology and media, wants the app to share information […]

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Yellow vests supporter from Toulouse got 2 months prison for publishing names and faces of police officers

Toulouse: The Yellow Vest Spread the Police Faces on the Internet, Two Months Prison

Yellow vests at heart, a medical student was sentenced, in Toulouse, Wednesday 22nd May, 2019, for having posted on the web the name and face of police officers of the BAC. She will remain in prison. Stamped “radical far-left activist,” at least identified as such by the police, a medical student from Toulouse, aged 21, is particularly active since the beginning of the […]

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Grumpy Cat died at the age of 7

Grumpy Cat is Dead

A real internet phenomenon, Tadar Sauce, a cranky-looking cat known as grumpy cat, has not survived the complications of a urinary tract infection, her owners announced this Friday. Internet star, Grumpy Cat has died . This female, whose pout is known worldwide, has not survived the complications of a urinary tract infection . She died Tuesday 14th May, 2019, the owners of Tardar […]

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Launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, January 11, 2019.

SpaceX Launches the First 60 Satellites of its Starlink Constellation

SPACE: With its future constellation “Starlink”, Elon Musk wants to provide internet to the entire planet from space The California space company SpaceX has planned to launch this Thursday the first 60 satellites of its future constellation “Starlink” , intended to provide internet to the entire planet from space, and that could one day count 12,000 satellites. The Falcon […]

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Julian Assange sentanced to one year in Prison

Julian Assange Sentenced to One Year in Prison

The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has been found guilty of violating the conditions of provisional release for taking refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, was sentenced Wednesday 1st May, 2019 to 50 weeks in prison for violation of his conditions of provisional release by the London court Southwark. In 2012, the 47-year-old […]

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New features are expected on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram

Facebook, Messenger, Instagram … New Apps

Tuesday 30th April, 2019, Facebook has unveiled new features for its app, but also for Messenger and Instagram. We take stock of what is changing. Facebook  has completely redesigned its application. The social network, which wants to  put the “groups” and the intimate at the center of its strategy , unveiled its new features, as well as those of Messenger and Instagram, Tuesday ,  April 30, […]

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