Gatherings over 6 people prohibited across France to control coronavirus

Coronavirus: Gatherings of More Than Six People Outdoors Prohibited “Throughout the Territory”

EPIDEMIC: This ban does not only apply to the 16 departments concerned in the 16 departments concerned by the new confinement.  Gatherings of more than six people are prohibited outside “throughout the country”, and not only to the  16 departments affected by the additional restrictive confinement measures, said the Minister of the Interior on Wednesday evening. These […]

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The number of patients with coronavirus in Intensive care is increasing

Coronavirus: An Increase of 4,600 People in Intensive Care, 248 Additional Deaths in 24 Hours

EPIDEMIC: The number of people in intensive care with coronavirus increases close to the record of 4,903, reached on November 16th, during the second wave The number of patients with coronavirus Covid-19 in intensive care continued to increase on Wednesday with 384 new admissions, or 4,651 people against 4,634 the day before, according to figures from Sante Publique France. This […]

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In Nantes, a student dies of thrombosis after AstraZeneca vaccine

Coronavirus: Nantes Student Dies of Thrombosis After AstraZeneca Vaccine

DEATH: The Nantes medical student was found dead on March 18th in his Nantes apartment after being vaccinated with AstraZeneca earlier this month. However, there is nothing to make the link between the death and the vaccine. The Nantes medical student was found dead on March 18 in his Nantes apartment after being vaccinated with AstraZeneca […]

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The AstraZeneca vaccine to be used for the over 55s in France

Vaccination: The AstraZeneca Vaccine Reserved for Over 55s in France, Announces the Haute Autorité de Santé

Vaccination: The AstraZeneca vaccine has been injected again in France since this Friday but with slightly different methods The French High Authority for Health (HAS) has given the green light to the resumption “without delay” of vaccination with AstraZeneca, but recommends reserving it for people aged 55 and over, in a notice published on Friday. This restriction was decided because […]

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The coronavirus is said to compete with the seasonal flu.

Coronavirus: Virus Transmission Could Turn Seasonal, Study Finds

EPIDEMIC: In their first report, the researchers estimate that the coronavirus Covid-19 “would be a strongly seasonal disease if it persisted for several years” Even though there is still insufficient data to suggest relying on weather and air quality to tailor epidemic control measures, the transmission of the coronavirus could become seasonal, the UN said in a published report. this Thursday. More than […]

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Emmanuel Macron meeting Scientific council to discuss coronavirus situation

Coronavirus: Emmanuel Macron Receives the Scientific Council this Tuesday

EPIDEMIC: The Head of State, Emmanuel Macron will meet the scientific council to discuss the current coronavirus situation and consult them on resuscitation capacities What decisions will he make in the coming days? Emmanuel Macron receives a delegation from the Scientific Council at 5 pm on Tuesday, said the Elysee Palace, to take stock of the health situation […]

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Olivier Véran wants to continue with the AstraZeneca as soon as possible

Coronavirus: Olivier Véran Hopes to Resume Vaccination with AstraZeneca and Wants to Reassure Those Vaccinated

VACCINATION: France suspended the vaccination campaign with the AstraZeneca vaccine on Monday The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, hopes to be able to resume the vaccination campaign with the AstraZeneca product on Thursday, after a new opinion from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), by wanting to reassure those who have already received an injection, who “are not in danger,” he […]

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France suspends the coronavirud Covid-19 AstraZeneca vaccine

Coronavirus: France Suspends use of AstraZeneca Vaccine until European Review

EPIDEMIC: The European Agency will hold an “extraordinary meeting” on the AstraZeneca coronavirus Covid-19 vaccine on Thursday France, in turn, decided on Monday to “suspend as a precaution” the use of the coronavirus Cpvid-19 vaccine AstraZeneca, pending an opinion from the European drug authority which will be issued on Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron announced during a meeting. press conference in Montauban. The Head […]

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Germany, Italy and Spain suspend the use of the AstraZeneca Coronavirus Covid-19 Vaccine

Coronavirus: Germany, Italy and Spain in Turn Suspend Vaccination with AstraZeneca

VACCINE: Like many European countries, Germany has suspended the coronavirus Covid-19 vaccination with AstraZeneca, suspected of producing dangerous side effects Germany, Italy and Spain suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca against the coronavirus on Monday, as did France on the same day, i.e. the four largest European countries. AstraZeneca’s vaccine was one of four vaccines authorized for administration in France to fight the Covid-19 […]

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Firefighters in Bouches-du-Rhône have suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca vaccine

Coronavirus: Bouches-du-Rhône Firefighters Suspend Vaccination of their Staff with AstraZeneca

VACCINATION: Nearly ten countries have suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine as a precaution Like several countries, the Bouches-du-Rhône firefighters on Monday suspended the vaccination of their staff with the AstraZeneca vaccine after adverse side effects, they announced. “As a precaution, we suspended the second injection of the AstraZeneca vaccine,” said a spokesperson for the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS), […]

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