Gendarmes and police conducted a major operation with 130 vehicles checked in the Mayenne

130 Vehicles Checked in the Night from Wednesday to Thursday in Mayenne

Gendarmes and police conducted a joint operation of check points, with 130 vehicles checked in the night from Wednesday to Thursday. They were involved in the fight against property crimes.  Five violations were identified. On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, the police and Gendarmerie of Mayenne conducted a major operation of vehicle checks in […]

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The gendarmes of the motorized brigade of Laval intercepted an unlicensed driver Thursday in Louverné.

Louverné: Intercepted at 132 km/h without a licence

Thursday, 29th September, the Gendarmerie from Laval have caught  a motorist traveling at 132 km/h at Louverné.  The driver had no licence. The gendarmes of the Laval motorized squad have caught, Thursday, late afternoon, a vehicle travelling at a speed of 132 km/h instead of 110 km/h.  He was traveling on the RN162 to Louverné. […]

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A motorist from the Mayenne, without a Licence and Insurance received 5 months in Prison

Mayenne: Five Months Prison for Driving Without a Licence

A motorist who refused to stop for the gendarmes.  Without a licence or insurance, on Wednesday he was given a sentence of five months in prison. A driver from the Mayenne, aged twenty years old, was sentenced on Wednesday by the Criminal Court of Laval to a sentence of five months in prison. He was arrested at […]

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20 drivers had their Licences suspended for Speeding, excess alcohol and drugs in the Mayenne department

Alcohol, Drugs, Speeding: 20 Driving Licences Withdrawn in Mayenne

Between 19th and 25th April 2016, the police have suspended twenty driving licenses in Mayenne Of the twenty offences, which resulted in the immediate withdrawal of driving licenses between the 19th and 25th April, 13 violations were for driving under the influence of alcohol. Police and Gendarmes also suspended two drivers for excessive speeding and suspended five […]

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In Laval, more roadside checks have led to the suspension of 17 driving Licences

Laval: 17 Driving Licences Withdrawn in One Week

Police and gendarmes conducted numerous checks on the roads of Mayenne.  Between the 12th and 18th April, 17 driving licences were suspended. After another crackdown by the police and the Gendarmes of the Mayenne department, seventeen driving licenses have been suspended in a week in laval.  In the vast majority of cases, drivers were caught […]

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The gendarmerie are to conduct several road checks during the week in the Morbihan region of France

Gendarmerie: Road checks this Week in Morbihan

Until April 3, the police will conduct roadside checks on the D764, towards Silfiac / Cléguérec and Crédin / Radenac, and the D767 between Pontivy and Vannes. The gendarmerie of Morbihan are conducting several checkpoints this week from March 28 to April 3, 2016 in the department. Coordinated actions will target the D764, particularly sectors […]

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Driver caught speeding and positive for cannabis near Mayenne

Near Mayenne, Speeding at 156 km/h and Positive for Cannabis

Gendarmes of Mayenne identified two speeding this weekend on the N 12. The drivers had used Drugs. Two drivers were caught, in this first long weekend of the year, speeding on the N12 by the motorized gendarme brigade of Mayenne.  In addition to going too fast, they were both found to be positive for cannabis. […]

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Gendarmes on the Cote d'Azur are reporting an upsurge in the number of migrants

Côte d’Azur: At the Italian Border, the Gendarmes Record “an upsurge of migration flows”

The Gendarmes conducted thirty arrests in a few hours … The gendarmes at menton, are currently recording “an upsurge of migration flows”. Thirty migrants have been arrested, for one day last Friday and the following night, said an official of the Gendarmerie company of Menton.  The area that they cover is the eastern Alpes-Maritimes. On the Eritrean origin, […]

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Gendarmes round up two escaped poneys in Toulouse

Toulouse: The Gendarmes Intercepted two Ponies …

The animals wandered across Balma Street … This is the core story of the Easter weekend and the gendarmes of the Haute-Garonne could not resist to share it on Facebook.  An unusual scene took place on Sunday inthe road of Balma street, on the eastern edge of Toulouse . Residents and motorists found themselves face to […]

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