Marine Le Pen presents the new name and the new logo of the Front National which becomes Rasseblement National, on June 1, 2018 in Bron, near Lyon.

The Front National is Dead: Replaced by the Rassemblement National

On Friday, the Front National, after 45 years of existence, officially changed its name to become the Rassemblement National, while keeping its same emblem. The Front National became on Friday the Rassemblement National.  A name change intended to mark the culmination of the re-founding of this political party founded a little over 45 years ago. “Tribute […]

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The Front National must change its name says Marine Le Pen

The FN must Change its Name says Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen, President of the Front National, said that her party should change its name in order to be perceived as a “party of government” and create new alliances. The president of the Front National Marine Le Pen said this Sunday that her party should change its name to be perceived as a “party of government” and […]

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Sylviane Dégé, candidate in the 2nd district of Mayenne, with his deputy Jean-Michel Cadenas, FN boss in Mayenne for legislative elections

Legislative 2017: Sylviane Dégé, FN candidate in Mayenne

The candidate, a member of the FN since 2012, launches her first campaign for the legislative elections in the 2nd district of Chateau-Gontier. Jean-Michel Cadenas, FN boss in Mayenne, is her deputy. This is the first time Sylviane Dégé, aged 54, has campaigned in the Mayenne department in the context of parliamentary elections. A department where the Front […]

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Marine Le Pen is to stand as a candidate for the Legslative elections in Pas de calais

Legislative: Candidate Marine Le Pen in the Pas-de-Calais

The president of the Front National, Marine Le Pen announced on Thursday night on TF1 her candidacy for parliamentary elections in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais. Challenged internally since losing in the second round of the presidential election faced Emmanuel Macron (66.1% – 33.9%), daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, who is currently on the European […]

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FN Vaucluse MP Marion Maréchal-Le Pen withdrew from political life.

FN. Marion Maréchal-Le Pen retires from politics

MP for the Front National of Vaucluse, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen announced Wednesday she is to withdrew from political life. Therefore, she will leave her opposition Head of mandate PACA Regional Council and will not be a candidate for another term as MP for Vaucluse. Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, 27, said Wednesday in regional daily Morning Vaucluse and the Daupiné she leaves […]

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The strategy of Marine Le Pen is being questioned

Presidential: FN, Marine Le Pen Strategy Questioned

Sunday night at the Chalet du Lac, headquarters for Marine Le Pen and the FN, activists and supporters did not hesitate to challenge the party line and even their boss. They are not the only ones. In the same ranks of the Front National party, the questions start … Pascal is a former executive of the Paris FN again become “simple […]

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Rennes has normally not been a strong supporter of the Front National

Presidential: Rennes, the Large Provincial City sulky with the FN

ELECTION: In the first round, Le Pen had collected 6.7% of the votes … After Paris, Rennes is the largest city in France with the least voted for the FN The Front National party always makes small scores in the Breton capital In the first round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen collected just 6.7% of […]

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Yves Jean, president of the University of Poitiers.calls to vote against Marine Le Pen

The President of the University of Potiers Calls to Vote against Le Pen

In an email sent on Friday to 26,000 students and 3,000 staff of the University of Poitiers, its president, Yves Jean, called for the second round of the presidential vote to vote against the Front National, Marine Le Pen. The line “subject” of the email is unambiguous: “Call to vote against Mrs Le Pen” . […]

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Front National gained more support in rural areas and small towns

Front National: “A Surge in Rural, Small Towns”

Christophe Giulluy, geographer, is the author of La France périphérique (Flammarion). He is a consultant for local governments and manager of Maps Productions, a marketing company. He works from the late 1990s to develop a new social geography. Interview What do you think the score of Marine Le Pen? It is especially important to read […]

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Marine Le Pen says France is not responsible for Vel d'Hiv

For Marine Le Pen, France “is not responsible for the Vel d’Hiv”

CONTROVERSY: Jacques Chirac and François Hollande had, themselves, recognized the responsibility of France in the arrest of 13,000 Jews in 1942 in Paris … Asked about the infamous roundup of the Vel d’Hiv in 1942 in Paris, during which more than 13,000 Jews were arrested, Marine Le Pen, the FN candidate in the presidential election, said on […]

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