Death of Maxime Beltra, 22 years nine hours after the Pfizer vaccine

Death of Maxime Beltra, 22 Years, Nine Hours After the Pfizer Vaccine

VACCINE: “HE WAS 22 YEARS OLD, HE WAS MY ONLY SON AND HE DIED, KILLED BY A CRAP VACCINE” SAYS DAD He just wanted to live , his father tells us in a  heartbreaking video . He was 22 years old, he was my only son, and he died, killed by a crap vaccine that was never validated or […]

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Already a union calling on railway workers not to check the pass sanitaire on trains

Already a Union Calling on Railway Workers Not to Check the Pass Sanitaire on Trains

The health bill definitively adopted last night by Parliament provides in particular for the extension of the Pass Sanitaire (negative Covid test, vaccination certificate or recovery certificate) to passengers of long-distance trains and to employees carrying out their activity on board. SNCF employees such as railway security controllers and agents will therefore have to have […]

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Pampelonne beach, in Ramatuelle, in the Var, July 10, 2021.

Coronavirus in the Var: The Department Strengthens its Health Restrictions

EPIDEMIC: The incidence rate of the coronavirus in the Var department now stands at 103 against 40 last week You will have to continue to wear the mask outdoors. This is what the secretary-general of the prefecture of Var, Serge Jacob, announced this Thursday at a press conference. The Var is under tightened restrictions because the level of […]

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Véran pushes for the vaccination of pregnant women, contradicting the WHO

Véran Pushes for the Vaccination of Pregnant Women, contradicting the WHO

VACCINATIONS: Although the WHO mentions the lack of data on the safety of mRNA vaccines administered to pregnant women, Olivier Véran excludes pregnancy, even in the first trimester, from the list of contraindications to vaccination against Covid-19 Although the WHO mentions the lack of data on the safety of mRNA vaccines administered to pregnant women, Olivier […]

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150% more coronavirus Covid-19 cases in a week, "we have never known that" says Olivier Véran

Coronavirus: 150% More Cases in a Week, “We have never known that” says Olivier Véran

EPIDEMIC: “We have an increase in the circulation of the coronavirus of around 150% over a week: we have never known that”, assured the Minister of Health on Tuesday. The coronavirus continues to spread across the country. The number of coronavirus Covid-19 contaminations over the last 24 hours has climbed to 18,000, against less than 7,000 a week earlier.  […]

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Gabriel Attal threatens: "It's either general vaccination or the viral tsunami"

Gabriel Attal Threatens: “It’s Either General Vaccination or the Viral Tsunami”

In the columns of the Parisian, he urges the French to be vaccinated and castigates those who demonstrated this Saturday against the new health measures, announced Monday by Emmanuel Macron. In the columns of the Parisian, he urges the French to be vaccinated and castigates those who demonstrated this Saturday against the new health measures, […]

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Coronavirus in Corsica: New health restrictions in Balagne and Saint-Florent

Coronavirus in Corsica: New Health Restrictions in Balagne and Saint-Florent

In these very touristy areas of Corsica, bars and restaurants will close at 11 p.m. from July 14th to August 1st As the tourist season begins in Corsica, the rise in Covid-19 cases comes at the worst time. The prefect of Haute-Corse François Ravier had yet to resolve to announce Tuesday evening new restrictive measures, applicable from July […]

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30 million French people have received at least one dose of vaccine

Vaccination: 30 Million French People Have Received at Least One Dose of Vaccine

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced that the target of 30 million people vaccinated at least once, set for June 15, has just been reached. It was a government objective. That’s done! On Saturday 12th June 2021, Prime Minister Jean Castex welcomed the number of people who have received at least a first dose of vaccine. The threshold of 30 million first-vaccinated French […]

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Deconfinement: curfews, bars and restaurants, sport ... What is changing today

Deconfinement: Curfews, Bars and Restaurants, Sport … What is Changing Today

From Wednesday 9th June 2021, a new stage of gradual deconfinement in France, several restrictions will be eased, especially in bars and restaurants. Details. It is the penultimate stage of deconfinement before, perhaps, a return to normal life. From June 9th, 2021, the French will once again be able to invest in the interior of bars and restaurants, return home later […]

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Coronavirus in the United States: Vaccinated people can say goodbye to masks

Coronavirus in the United States: Vaccinated People Can Say Goodbye to Masks

SMILE: This is what the health authorities announced on Thursday, who updated their recommendations related to the epidemic. Take off the masks! Americans vaccinated against Covid-19 no longer need to wear masks, health officials said on Thursday, announcing to update their recommendations. “Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, small or large, without wearing a mask […]

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