The Dacia Duster 2 resembles the old but better!

Car Test: Dacia Duster 2, the Same … and Better!

With the arrival of the new Dacia Duster 2, took no risks in pleasantly reshaping its rugged looks and keeping him a modest fee that starts at € 11,990. Appeared in 2010, the Dacia Duster could have, should have, be the car of the year. Its look, its simplicity, convenience, versatility and price were an incredibly […]

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The design of the Citroen C4 Cactus retains its boldness and modernity with a new front enlarged.

Citroën C4 Cactus Super-Sedan Comfort

Citroen unveils its new C4 Cactus adopting the codes in its segment in technology and engines while differentiating its uniqueness and comfort. Citroen deep editing the style of its C4 Cactus to make it less clivante in its exterior styling, and more mellow in his suspension. However, the design retains its boldness and modernity but her face changed to […]

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This sunday in Paris, it is a car free day

Paris: All You Need to Know about Day without Cars Organised this Sunday

PARIS: For its third year, the Car Free Day sees big by extending its scope to all Paris … The third year of the Car Free Day is held in Paris today, Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm. If you have questions, do not panic, here are the answers: What is this device? As its name suggests, […]

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Sales owners represent three quarters of transactions for vehicles over ten years. |

Prime à la Casse: Scrapping your Car can be used to Buy a Used Car

Nicolas Hulot reform the “conversion premium” little used so far. From January 1, all the old vehicle owners can use it to buy a newer, cleaner vehicle. The government hopes to distribute over 100,000 premiums next year. First scrapping for the occasion It’s the return of the scrappage scheme . But the measure taken by Nicolas Hulot significantly different from […]

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Car drove into pizzeria in Seine-et-Marne

Seine-et-Marne: A Car Drove into a Pizzeria, One Dead and 13 Injured

The driver who drove Monday night on a pizza of Sept-Sorts (Seine-et-Marne) was arrested.This is a voluntary act, not a terrorist act One driver on Monday night drove their car at a pizzeria in the town of Sept-Sorts (Seine-et-Marne), killing a 13 year old girl. Five other people, including a three year old child, are in […]

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The car overturned on the roof in Rennes. The driver died

Rennes: The Police tried to Intercept a Car, Driver Dies

A motorist was killed on Sunday 30 July, shortly after 8am in Avenue Janvier, before the Zola school. His vehicle overturned on the roadway. A few minutes earlier, police had used their weapons to stop the vehicle, outside the station. One of the officers hit by the car was injured. This Sunday, July 30, at 8.10am, a motorist […]

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Tesla to launch the Model 3, lower cost Electric Car

Tesla Plans its Future with its Model 3, Mid-Range Electric Car

The American car manufacturer Tesla will deliver on Friday the first models of its new Model 3, prevailing over an embryonic market electric car. With the appearance of this model of mid-range (about 35,000 dollars), Tesla will confirm its decision in advance to be “all electric”, while several manufacturers are trying to drill or develop other […]

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