School: Marine Le Pen Wants to End Free Education for Foreign Children

General News
Marine Le Pen has said that she will end Free education for foreign children

The president of the Front National, and candidate for president, wants foreign children no longer “treated” or “educated for free.”

Marine Le Pen, the president of the Front National and candidate for president in the forthcoming elections in 2017, has called for the end of the free education for foreign children at a press meeting in Paris this Thursday.

The President of the FN, invited by the BVA polling institute for its breakfasts “Pop 2017” stated “I consider that national solidarity must be expressed with regard to the French. I have nothing against foreigners but I tell them: If you come to our country, do not expect you to be cared for or your children educated for free, now it’s finished, it’s the end of the recreation!” .

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