Will the Brexit deprive the British of their dear Marmite?

Finance General News
The fall in the value of the pound since Brexit vote has caused an increase in Marmite price

The fact the arrival of Brexit will be noticed on the plates of British. Since Thursday 13th October, a controversy surrounding the spread Marmite – an institution in the UK – has increased the price with fears for UK consumers, due to the fall of the ..

The Brexit has made a remarkable difference to plates of British. Since Thursday 13th October, a controversy surrounding the spread Marmite, an institution in the UK, has increased its price with fears for UK consumers, due to the fall of the pound since the vote for Brexit.

Indeed, the drop in the pound has had an unexpected effect, with the disappearance from Thursday of the famous Marmite, from the supermarket giant Tesco.

The fall in the pound questioned

If the pot, a black paste which is bitter and has a salty taste, made from yeast, is “Made in Britain”, it is owned by the Dutch food giant Unilever. However, revenues from Marmite in the UK are reduced when converting them into euros, due to the depreciation of the pound in recent months.

To compensate for the difference in the Pound and the Euro, the Netherlands based group has increased the price by 10% to the retailers, which supermarkets such as Tesco have refused to pay, and thus it is not being replenished on the shelves.

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