European Elections: Here are the Final Results

General News
European elections, here are the final results

In the aftermath of the European elections, the Ministry of the Interior unveiled the final results and the number of seats obtained by each list.

Victory of theRassemblement national (RN), surprise of the Greens , disappointment of LREM, shipwreck of the Republicans and France insoumise. This Sunday, May 26, 2019, more than 47 million French were called to the polls in the context of the European elections.

On Monday morning, the Interior Ministry unveiled the final results and seats obtained by the 34 parties that had filed a list.

Six parties in the European Parliament

The RN is therefore in the lead, with 0.9% of the vote in front of the presidential party. EEVL arrives third, ahead of LR, LFI and PS / Public place.

The parties of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France) Benoît Hamon (Liste citoyenne), Jean-Christophe Lagarde (The Europeans-UDI) and Ian Brossat (Pour l’Europe des gens-PC) are below 5% and n thus obtain no seat, just like the three candidates resulting from the movement of the yellow vests.

  • Take power-Rassemblement national: 23.31% – 22 seats (23 after the UK’s exit from the EU).
  • Renaissance-LREM: 22.41% – 21 seats (23 after the exit of the UK from the EU).
  • Europe écologie: 13.47% – 12 seats (13 after the exit of the UK from the EU).
  • Union droite centre-LR: 8.48% – 8 seats (same as after UK exit from the EU).
  • La France insoumise: 6.31% – 6 seats (same as after the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU).
  • Envie d’Europe-PS/Place publique: 6.19% – 6 seats (same as after the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU).
  • Debout la France: 3.51% – 0 seat.
  • Liste citoyenne: 3.27% – 0 seats.
  • Europeans-UDI: 2.50% – 0 seats.
  • Pour l’Europe des gens-PC: 2.49% – 0 seat.
  • Parti animaliste: 2.17% – 0 seat.
  • Urgence écologie: 1.82% – 0 seat.
  • Ensemble pour le Frexit: 1,17 – 0 seat.
  • Lutte ouvrière: 0.78% – 0 seats.
  • Ensemble patriotes: 0.65% – 0 seats.
  • Alliance jaune: 0.54% – 0 seat
  • Les Oubliés de l’Europe: 0.23% – 0 seat.
  • Parti pirate: 0.14% – 0 seat.
  • Europe au services des peuples: 0.13% – 0 seat.
  • Esperanto: 0.08% – 0 seats.
  • Parti fédéral européen: 0.06% – 0 seats.
  • A Voix égales: 0.05% – 0 seats.
  • Décroissance 2019 : 0.05% – 0 seats
  • Allons Enfants: 0.04% – 0 seats.
  • Pace: 0.03% – 0 seats.
  • Initiative citoyenne: 0.03% – 0 seats.
  • UDLEF: 0.03% ¨- 0 seat.
  • Liste de la Reconquête: 0.02% – 0 seat.
  • Démocratie représentative: 0.02% – 0 seats.
  • Une France Royale: 0.01% – 0 seats.
  • Neutre et actif: 0.01% – 0 seats.
  • Evolution citoyenne: 0.01% – 0 seats.
  • La Ligne claire: 0.01% – 0 seat.
  • Révolutionnaire: 0.01% – 0 seat.

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