After the Announcements of Emmanuel Macron, Weak Mobilization of the Yellow Vests

General News
The banner "General Response" leading the event bringing together CGT trade unionists, leftist activists and "yellow vests", Saturday, April 27, 2019 in Paris.

Two days after the announcements of Emmanuel Macron, the Yellow Vests have struggled to mobilise in the streets this Saturday 27th April 27, 2019 for Act 24.

Maintain the pressure, 48 hours after the announcements of Emmanuel Macron in response to the social crisis and four days before the parade of May 1: several thousand “yellow vests” were mobilised again Saturday in France , including Strasbourg, “Re-motivated” after the presidential “blah blah”.

For this act 24 of a new movement, which has poisoned the executive for more than five months, the Ministry of the Interior counted 5,500 “yellow vests” in the streets at 14:00 in France , including 2,600 in the two Parisian processions , disputed figures, week after week, by the interested parties, who publish their own count.

They were, according to the authorities, 9,600 participants last Saturday at the same time, including 6,700 in Paris.

According to the Paris police headquarters, 8,920 preventive checks were carried out and 11 people were arrested in the capital. Since Act 1 of this social movement on November 17, 2400 “yellow vests” and 1700 members of the police were wounded, according to Beauvau.

“International” gathering in Strasbourg

At one month of the European elections , the organizers intend to give an “international” character to the action day with a demonstration in Strasbourg . This parade of 2000 “yellow vests”, according to the prefecture, was marked by a brief episode of tension when the procession wanted to join the European Parliament, found AFP journalists.

In the crowd, Pascal Harter, 58, said there was “nothing concrete” in the announcements made by the president Thursday. “It has motivated me,” he told AFP. For this pre-retired, the head of state has stuck to “blah-blah”.

A widely shared sentiment on social networks in groups of “yellow vests”, for whom measures Emmanuel Macron – deploy “more officials on the ground”, lower income tax, remove the ENA or reindex on inflation pension pensions of less than 2000 euros – are not enough.

Far from feeling weary, protesters throughout France have been told “back” after the speech of the head of state. “Thanks Macron! Nelly, a 70-year-old Parisian woman, left the BFMTV head office during a “media march” in Paris to demand an “impartial media treatment” of the movement.

“The logorrhea” of the president, “it is + peanuts +, of the powder of perlimpinpin”, judged Francine to Toulouse, where the procession could not reach the place of the Capitol, prohibited with any manifestation. “It gave us some grist,” she added.

In Paris, under the slogan “general response,” a procession mixing CGT red vests, “yellow vests” and representatives of left parties totaled 5,500 people, according to Beauvau.

First face-to-face between Yellow Vests and police, rue Sadi-Carnot, in Caen (Calvados), Saturday, April 27, 2019. The demonstrators defy the prefectural prohibition and enter downtown.
First face-to-face between Yellow Vests and police, rue Sadi-Carnot, in Caen (Calvados), Saturday, April 27, 2019. The demonstrators defy the prefectural prohibition and enter downtown. (© Nicolas Claich / Liberty – The Free Man.)

“Social and fiscal justice”

“Vest yellow” “from the beginning”, Patricia, a Parisian 65 years, has demonstrated with the CGT because it is “for the convergence of struggles”. Four days before May 1, this retired teacher “hopes that all unions, parties, protest movements are on the street for a federation of the people, for social justice and tax. ”

“Macron damn you, all the old women are in the street,” chanted “yellow vests” in Rennes (600 protesters), “We’re here, we’re here, even if Macron does not want, we’re here! “We heard in Bordeaux (1500 according to the police) or Toulouse (1 500 to 2 000 people according to AFP), two strongholds mobilisation.

“We are more motivated than ever! “, Also assured a woman of 51 years in Marseille, come” fight against the oligarchy and the privileges of the rich “.

Other events were taking place all over France, like a snail operation on the Lyon ring road.

However, some have planned to skip this Saturday to focus on the demonstrations of May 1, which look strained.

To prevent overflowing, demonstrations bans were taken in Strasbourg in the center and around the European institutions, but also in Toulouse, Lille, Rennes or Rouen. In Paris, the prohibited perimeter included the Champs-Elysées, the Elysée, the approaches to the National Assembly and Notre-Dame .

Last Saturday, the “yellow vests” were in total 27,900 to beat the pavement in France, according to the Ministry of the Interior, 100,000 according to their own count. Mobilization decreased, except in Paris where the number of demonstrators had almost doubled compared to the previous week and where a renewed tension was observed.

Friday, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner disqualified the motives of the protesters. For him, the reactions to the announcements of Emmanuel Macron had been “already written” even before his speech.

Emmanuel Macron during his press conference in Paris on April 25, 2019.
Emmanuel Macron during his press conference in Paris on April 25, 2019. (© AFP / ludovic MARIN)

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