Sunday 20th May, 2018, after a day that was largely sunny, Meteo France announced that thunderstorms could break out in Toulouse late afternoon
Sunday 20th May, the sun has shone brightly on Toulouse and its region. But already, the first clouds are heralding a slightly more mitigated evening. This may even spoil as Meteo France believes that the risk of thunderstorms and strong for the end of the day.
This risk is global. Thunderstorms should first hit the reliefs of the Pyrenees and then extend to the entire region, from the Haute-Pyrenees to Lozère.
Locally hail
After being very mild, temperatures should fall below the showers. Locally, these storms “may be accompanied by hail falls and intense downpours,” says Meteo France.
Attention aux #orages. Comme hier après-midi, ces orages peuvent être ponctuellement forts des #Pyrénées aux #Alpes à la #Lorraine. Soyez prudents car ces orages peuvent s’accompagner de chutes de #grêle et d’intenses #averses ponctuelles.
— La Chaîne Météo (@lachainemeteo) May 20, 2018
Already many thunderstorms Saturday
Saturday 19th May, the time had already turned to the storm as evidenced by this animation from the Weather Channel:
Hier, les #orages ont été ponctuellement forts et localement accompagnés de chutes de #grêle des #Pyrénées à l’#AuvergneRhôneAlpes au #Languedoc jusqu’en #Alsace. L’activité orageuse qui se renforce encore aujourd’hui et demain. Source : @Meteorage__
— La Chaîne Météo (@lachainemeteo) May 20, 2018
#Orage sur la plaine du #Roussillon hier après midi. Photo : Julien Rouge Crédit : @Pyreneessauvages
— La Chaîne Météo (@lachainemeteo) May 20, 2018
A strong trend for the week ahead
This trend should be confirmed next week as the days will be getting hotter and therefore more conducive to storms in the evenings.
Vers un temps de plus en plus #chaud cette semaine. Mais attention aux #orages !
— La Chaîne Météo (@lachainemeteo) May 20, 2018